Too Many Forums About The Same Thing

Discussion in 'GridironFans Support' started by FSUViking, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. FSUViking

    FSUViking BANNED

    I've been gone for awhile, so if this has been addressed.....well.....address it again. :icon_cheesygrin:

    If there's a forum for AFC teams news/discussion, one for the NFC, and one for general NFL news......why on earth is there even a need for headlines? Wouldn't it make sense to put something newsworthy about the Steelers in the AFC forum? Or about the Cowboys in the NFC forum? Why have 4 forums that are the same, exact thing? Isn't that overkill? Too many chefs in the kitchen? Just get rid of the headlines forum and put the news in the AFC, NFC, NFL General forums.

    It's your forum, do what you will, but I've never seen this sort of thing anywhere else. Well, I have, but it hasn't made sense there and it was scraped.
  2. I'll take this...

    I think they filter the news through there so they can use those topics for the front page see that block mod on the left of the front page? Also all the news that comes in at times during the season kills any good topics within that forum by moving them 3 pages back if their not stickied.

    So they separated them to keeps their crap to their liking...Like SRW tells me," If you don't like it Doom leave!"

    We haven't had changes in months now and its been a good time....

    You should stay though bro....
  3. FSUViking

    FSUViking BANNED

    Alright, well maybe after a day or so move them to the conference forums. That's where most of the conversations take place anyways, or so it seems judging by the "replies" statistics.

    I still say it's redundant overkill, but I'll learn to live with it I guess.
  4. n1gbpackfan

    n1gbpackfan Title Town USA

    I think the ones about TO crying, could be merged, along with the Garrett threads. But thats jusy my opinion. I normally page though the post anyways, so it really doesn't bother me.
  5. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    We have:

    -NFL Headlines for the latest news
    -AFC / NFC Discussion for team threads, soft stories ans stuff like that
    -General Football Discussion for topics regarding the NFL (like rules changes, schedules or stories that concerns the whole league), or other FB leagues like the CFL, AFL and tilll last year the NFLE (R.I.P.)

    If we post news in the appropriate forum, they could easily disappear. If you're looking for news, you had only to check out the the NFL Headlines and could found the latest news. It's a good thing IMO
  6. Dougerrrr

    Dougerrrr Laus Deo

    Actually most of the news is what I look at first then if there is something old or different I want to see I look under afc or nfc. There might be storeis there that I miss but by going through the new posts first I find most everything that I want to look at. I do see FSU's point and how it could be redundant but once you figure out where you want to's pretty easy to navigate.
  7. n1gbpackfan

    n1gbpackfan Title Town USA

  8. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    First off, there aren't forums for AFC/NFC/General NFL news and discussion. They are discussion forums only. News goes in the NFL News forum only.

    The news is an integral part of the site and our RSS news feed is our calling card on the site. It is what separates us from other sites.

    If there is ever a way to:

    A) Mark specific threads as news in any forum for the RSS feed
    B) Have the RSS feed ignore the other threads
    C) Be able to allow topic tags only for news stories
    D) Have permissions set so only a certain usergroup can post news

    Then maybe we'd have no need for the news forum. Until that happens though the current system is here to stay. It's worked for us for a long time.
  9. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    i love the headlines..
  10. Jammin Jaguar

    Jammin Jaguar English Student.

    The NFL Headlines section is where I pickup most of my NFL News nowadays, I barely visit unless there's something specific anymore.
  11. FSUViking

    FSUViking BANNED

    What the heck is the difference if news is posted in a "news" forum, or in the AFC/NFC forum? It's still news. Do we not discuss "news" in the conference forums anyways? Norm Chow being fired isn't discussable news if it's put in the AFC forum with a Titan logo next to it?

    If there's ever a way? :rolleyes: Thousands of forums across the Internet have "found a way." We're not trying to cure cancer here. You run a great forum here, but defending major overkill like your hands are tied and you're painted into a corner is ridiculous.

    Now, you could tell me "if I don't like it don't post here....blah, blah, blah" or stop and realize there's no reason "news" isn't "news" if it's in another forum and we can't discuss it otherwise. Look how much crap gets posted in there that gets like 5 views and no replies. More than half.

    Get rid of the conference forums even. I don't care. But it's so stupid to have three forums.....for the same damn thing. They all serve the same purpose.

    They'll still be headlines in the AFC/NFC forums. :icon_rolleyes: couldn't see a Jaguars headline if it was posted in the AFC Forum with a Jags logo next to it?

    I'm not saying get rid of headlines!! I'm saying why do they need their own forum, when there's a forum for AFC and NFC? Put the news there!'s like building a 6 car garage when you only have 2 cars.
  12. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Our RSS feed is our bread and butter. There are literally hundreds of people who get their news from GIF through the RSS feed and there's no way to separate the discussions from the news unless the "news" has it's own forum. The people viewing the RSS news are counted as guests and their viewing doesn't show up in the view count only members do, most of them come here for the news only not for the forum itself. If you check and see how many guests are viewing the site during they day, those are usually the RSS feed viewings.

    What I don't understand is your obvious anger at the explanations given you.