I have read your answers and watched the video on tiering and value. Check out this image. I added a value difference column last (far right). Why are they all over the place? My example: If I pass on Gio B it says the next value is 29 less but if I go to the next guy the it is actually one 1 difference in value. So is the next value referring to M. Lynch at a value of 1? If values are this crazy how do you use them? (Values are in red, then "next ADP", the "next value" in that order) My bold guys are targets. The more info I can get before I draft tomorrow the better. Thanks
@Kurt would know more. But I think the last column is out of whack because you're solely selecting the the values in red. Look at every other list to the right. They're all out of whack and not in order by number.
This can be hard to understand if you over complicate it, but it's simple.. you may also want to read "Detailed breakdown of the system" located just above your cheat sheets. Next value is based on ADP - Gio's ADP is 19 Lynch ADP is 20 GIO is projected to score 29 more points than Lynch - Based on the projected points for your league - and the ADP for Lynch - all signs point to you avoiding Lynch at his current ADP - That's what Value and Next Value are about - knowing when to avoid players and it makes it easier to identify the under valued guys based on ADP.
So because I have a scoring system like I do, value doesn't matter really? Look at guys with high points that have ADP's higher than others in the category. Target them when value is there (ex Grab Joique Bell with my 47 or 50 pick?) Lamar Miller looks like a stud here too with an ADP of 100, yeah? Just incase.. I draft 2,23,26,47,50,71,74,95,C Patterson,L.Bell,122,143
Value matters. But next value is an indicator. As far as guys like Bell, you want to target them but not to far ahead of their ADP, one round sooner tops.
I believe if you order the list by projected points, or by value, then when it is listed out it shows what the next players value is that will be directly below it. The ADP is just an idea of where most other people are going to take a player, they won't have the same projections we do.