Week 4 Power Rankings

Discussion in 'NFL Writer's Block' started by CaptainStubing, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    Captain's Power Rankings -- Updated 11/9/12

    [TABLE] Team Rec Cumulative
    #1 Houston Texans (4-0) 33.91
    #2 Arizona Cardinals (4-0) 29.97
    #3 Atlanta Falcons (4-0) 28.89
    #4 Baltimore Ravens (3-1) 28.70
    #5 New England Patriots (2-2) 28.45
    #6 SanFrancisco 49ers (3-1) 28.38
    #7 Chicago Bears (3-1) 25.17
    #8 Denver Broncos (2-2) 24.31
    #9 Minnesota Vikings (3-1) 22.64
    #10 Cincinnati Bengals (3-1) 22.40
    #11 Philadelphia Eagles (3-1) 21.91
    #12 San Diego Chargers (3-1) 21.46
    #13 Seattle Seahawks (2-2) 21.13
    #14 Green Bay Packers (2-2) 20.98
    #15 New York Giants (2-2) 20.08
    #16 Pittsburgh Steelers (1-2) 17.40
    #17 Miami Dolphins (1-3) 15.62
    #18 Washington Redskins (2-2) 15.46
    #19 Dallas Cowboys (2-2) 15.13
    #20 St. Louis Rams (2-2) 15.08
    #21 New York Jets (2-2) 14.10
    #22 Detroit Lions (1-3) 13.95
    #23 Jacksonville Jaguars (1-3) 13.80
    #24 Buffalo Bills (2-2) 13.42
    #25 Indianapolis Colts (1-2) 13.31
    #26 Tennessee Titans (1-3) 11.31
    #27 Cleveland Browns (0-4) 10.35
    #28 Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1-3) 9.82
    #29 Oakland Raiders (1-3) 8.27
    #30 Carolina Panthers (1-3) 7.93
    #31 New Orleans Saints (0-4) 7.23
    #32 Kansas City Chiefs (1-3) 6.80[/TABLE]
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2012
  2. Chipper10

    Chipper10 Back 2 Back! Roll Tide Roll!

    Woohoo! Saints aren't 32nd!
  3. VikingsFan28

    VikingsFan28 Wherever Alex Morgan is

    Thank you for giving the vikings some respect unlike espn

    Also how are the saints not last? they lost to the chiefs at home
  4. Chipper10

    Chipper10 Back 2 Back! Roll Tide Roll!

    Strength of Schedule more than likely.
  5. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    well, it's not really 'me' giving them respect, it's my formula........ which is one of the advantages of a statistical formula ranking. there are no preconceived notions or biases. it doesn't know that the vikings were 'supposed' to suck this season.

    it literally just measures performance on the field and results and the vikings have certainly earned a high ranking with their performance on the field this season.
  6. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    [TABLE] Team Rec Cumulative
    #1 Chicago Bears (7-1) 31.32
    #2 Houston Texans (7-1) 30.34
    #3 SanFrancisco 49ers (6-2) 28.97
    #4 Atlanta Falcons (8-0) 28.84
    #5 Denver Broncos (5-3) 27.50
    #6 New England Patriots (5-3) 27.37
    #7 Green Bay Packers (6-3) 27.31
    #8 New York Giants (6-3) 25.79
    #9 Seattle Seahawks (5-4) 22.95
    #10 Pittsburgh Steelers (5-3) 21.76
    #11 Baltimore Ravens (6-2) 20.67
    #12 Dallas Cowboys (3-5) 20.30
    #13 Tampa Bay Buccaneers (4-4) 20.14
    #14 Miami Dolphins (4-4) 19.46
    #15 Detroit Lions (4-4) 18.97
    #16 Carolina Panthers (2-6) 17.79
    #17 Minnesota Vikings (5-4) 17.42
    #18 New Orleans Saints (3-5) 16.62
    #19 New York Jets (3-5) 16.34
    #20 St. Louis Rams (3-5) 16.28
    #21 Indianapolis Colts (6-3) 15.85
    #22 Washington Redskins (3-6) 15.55
    #23 Arizona Cardinals (4-5) 15.14
    #24 San Diego Chargers (4-4) 14.98
    #25 Philadelphia Eagles (3-5) 12.48
    #26 Cincinnati Bengals (3-5) 11.96
    #27 Buffalo Bills (3-5) 10.99
    #28 Oakland Raiders (3-5) 10.43
    #29 Cleveland Browns (2-7) 9.90
    #30 Tennessee Titans (3-6) 8.87
    #31 Jacksonville Jaguars (1-8) 4.95
    #32 Kansas City Chiefs (1-7) 1.59[/TABLE]
  7. BoltzRule

    BoltzRule Fans refugee

    Your rankings don't like the Colts or Chargers and really like the Cowboys and Panthers.