Personally I prefer TNA and I will explain why. TNA puts on better wrestling matches. This to me is TNAs greatest strength. They put on great matches there are rarely any squash matches unlike WWE who will waste 10 minutes on Brodus Clays entrance all for a 1 minute match. They allow wrestlers to have a more diverse arsenal of moves its not the same 5-10 moves hit a finisher and its over. TNA isn't as overproduced as WWE. What I mean is look at the lighting and it just feels like different to me. I just think that the way TNA is shot feels more like wrestling used too. Aces and Eights is the most exciting thing going on in TNA. Meanwhile in the WWE its Cena getting yet another title shot and maybe for the first time this year Punk will have a main event match at a PPV which is truly sad that he has't had one yet after 9 months which shows how much they care about that title. Oh and Daniel Bryan and Kane are funny but I still enjoy the Aces and Eights more then that. I love the heels in TNA. You have Bully Ray constantly talking crap and being funny. You got Roode who cost Storm his BFG match with a beer bottle. You have Daniels and Kazarian being loud mouth douchebags with Appletinis(love this). Aces and Eights breaking the champions arm, Zema Ion broke Jesse Soresons neck and then bragged that he is not only F'n pretty hes pretty F'n Dangerous and also said he was turning heads and breaking necks. This past week he said he looked as pretty as a supermodel but more dangerous then bath salts. Magnus is turning into a cocky butthole and is great on the mic as well. The TNA heels are much more interesting then WWEs current list of Heels. I also enjoy the Gutcheck segments as it allows an Indy guy to get time on the big stage and it deepens TNAs developmental talent. Much better then watching 10 episodes of Tough Enough for a guy who lasted 2 months for WWE. The Bound for Glory series really put on some great TV matches some of the best TV matches I have seen this year and that keeps me wanting more TNA. TNA is not perfect and there are a few things that I wish they would do better like better entrance music and a few other tiny things but for the most part the show they put on is superior to the WWE product. I know TNA gets a alot of crap for stuff they did in the past but if you haven't watched it lately you should give it another shot.
i prefer wwe. i tryed to watch a couple of their ppvs awhile ago and it was freaking terrible. their heavyweight champ " i dont kno who " cut one of the worst promos during the show i have ever seen. a fart from me could cut better. wwe meanwhile has its moments but some of the crap u see is like wtf. i hear tna has been doing alt better but i wouldnt know.
when was this? was this within the last year? For the past year TNA has been on fire and you should really check it out. WWE lately has been a snorefest aside from a few good spots but the good doesnt outweigh the bad. 8 minute clip from Destination X one of the best TNA PPVs this year.
still prefer wwe over tna. the fans of tna at the show are not really into it. ryback for crying out loud gets a much bigger response during his match than i would say anyone. feed me more. da heck. the top guys of wwe are miles ahead with their wresting ability. cm punk, d bryan, miz, ziggler, and super cena put on better matches. thats just my opinion
It's TNA for me. At least you actually got wrestling on the show and people actually want the title. It's not perfect but at least it's has something interesting unless WWE which has Super Cena all over it the shows, Punk who basically back to be a meaningless cog in the company and basically everyone else who is floating around with nothing to do.
I wouldent say punk is meaningless hes actually been one of the bright parts of wwe just wish he wasent going against cena all the time now. I would want to see a fued with someone else. Dont forget super shamous either which seems like he hasent lost a match since last years mania.
I used to be a WWE guy but they are too damn scattered. TNA has been catching my attention especially after they finally got rid of Vince Russo. People should check them out, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Now if they could only get out of that Impact Zone.
another thing I love about TNA is the deals on merchandise. For example the Brown Bag Special Brown Bag Special | ShopTNA you get 4 DVDs 1 shirt 1 action figure and they added a TNA Banner to it all for $25 dollars This was the first time I ever spent money on wrestling merchandise and I got my brown bag special at the beginning of the year I received Deangelo Dinero Action Figure(my son loves to play with it) Beer Money shirt(The Milk money one) Slammiversary VIII (2010) Victory Road (2007) Against All Odds(2007) Destination X (2009) In addition I got the best of Christian Cage and History of the X-Division volume 1 & 2 I spent 43 dollars total with shipping for basically 7 DVDs 1 shirt 1 action figure for 45 dollars you cant beat that.
i would say the production value as in the video clips highlights replays camera angles music themes pryo ect is one of the best things the wwe has going for it or if ya mean overproduced like viny mac has his hands on the whole show top to bottom i get what ya mean
Its hard to explain what I mean by over produced. I think that TNA really needs to get new music themes because theme music is what identifies a wrestler and the top wrestlers have great themes usually.
TNA sucks. As I've said before, until they get rid of Hogan and Bischoff this company is doomed to be WCW. Aces and Eights HAD a bunch of potential. They're basically the nWo without the talent on the mic or in the ring. This crap has gone on WAAAAAY too long. Had they revealed someone at the last PPV or at ANY point in the last 2 months it'd still be interesting but the fact that it IS the nWo angle almost to a T is the breaking point. While WWE is getting boring I'd rather listen to ADR ramble on than Bobby Roode's attempt at being interesting at ALL. Until TNA gets some real star power and gets away from the stupid butt angles WWE will always rape them. Being live and traveling is a start but until they leave Orlando and get a real booker, they'll always be second fiddle to WWE.
WWE has the nostalgia the history TNA is still only 10 years old. They have "second rate" talent because WWE is so big they can pay everyone much more money. TNA will never be as big as WWE no matter what they do because people are so used to WWE. There have been a few bad angles but the wrestling is far better in TNA then it is at WWE but whatever you have your mind made up and nothing will likely change it so I am not going to bother trying to change your mind. I enjoy the TNA product more then the WWE product but if you enjoy seeing Brodus Clay spend 5 minutes dancing on his entrance to only have a 1-2 minute squash match and Ryback crushing jobbers and noone of significance. CM Punk being the WWE Champion and only headlining 1 PPV this year despite being champion for 300 days. Watching two inept GMs(I cannot stand Booker T and AJ is just getting old)Watching Botch cara. The MITB winner is getting jobbed left and right when they should be working on making him more credible. Oh and if TNA booked that finish at Night of Champions you would be on here asking if Vince Russo was booking again.
i would watch both shows if i had time to other wwe negatives are the lame o tout and social media crap being pushed down your throats. the matches on tv suck most of the time because its on free tv the ppv should be the pay off yet del rio v sheamus is going on way toooo long. wwe house shows and live raw events are alot of fun tho
And this is where the separation will always be. TNA fan boys and WWE fan boys will always play point/counterpoint. I actually thought the Night of Champions ending was perfect for what it needed to be. Great way to keep that feud going to HIAC and set up Brock's return. As for the wrestling, sometimes it's better in TNA, I'll give you that. But there are still much better technicians in the E. There isn't ONE guy in TNA that can touch CM Punks in ring ability. His matches with Cena make Cena look like a credible wrestler which is insane to think about. But all in all TNA HAS the opportunity right now to seize the reigns from the WWE but keeps shooting themselves in the foot with the nWo v8.0 and that whole AJ Styles baby daddy thing. I WANT to like TNA, I really do. If TNA is doing good then the WWE gets better because they have competition but let's be real here. TNA will ALWAYS take 2 steps back from doing something good. It's how Bischoff and Hogan are. And as much as everyone says that HHH's ego is huge, it's nothing compared to those 2.
Kurt Angle is better in the ring then Punk..........Bischoff and Hogan I agree are somewhat a problem I really hated how much time Hogan was on screen and at the center of the Aces and Eights. I think Hogan off TV and or at a minimum is better for the company. I understand that he is still very popular but he just brings the product down.