Wilson's Girlfriend Says Fight 'Misconstrued'

Discussion in 'Pittsburgh Steelers' started by 86WARD, Mar 22, 2008.

  1. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Wilson's girlfriend says fight 'misconstrued'
    By Scott Brown and John Harris
    Saturday, March 22, 2008

    The girlfriend of troubled wide receiver Cedrick Wilson on Friday downplayed their confrontation at a Pine restaurant that led to his arrest and swift dismissal from the Steelers.

    "He never punched. He pushed me in the side of the head," Lindsay Paulat, 26, of Fawn told the Tribune-Review. "It was misconstrued apparently by the people around us. The restaurant staff apparently must have felt compelled to notify the police of the incident given the circumstances."

    Northern Regional Police arrested Wilson, 29, a short time later at his home Wednesday evening for punching Paulat, the mother of his 1-year-old daughter. Police noticed redness and swelling on Paulat's cheek when they arrived. She was using ice to contain the swelling, a police report states.

    "Cedrick walked into Patron's (Mexican Grill) and saw me sitting in the bar area," Paulat said. "He got upset when he saw me drinking. Basically, he pushed me in the side of the head and said I was being stupid and then immediately left the restaurant."
  2. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

  3. SuperBeast

    SuperBeast BANNED

    typical stuff from an abused woman "It was my fault, not his"

    heck that skinny bastard.
  4. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    She knows she better drop her gravy trains' charges.
  5. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    Yup. Keep in line for those righteous NFL bucks.
  6. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    Never bite the hand that feed you....
  7. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    She's a drunk and he probobly bopped her upside the head and she drunk dialed the cops...

    Cases like these...if the broad wants to drop charges, she should have charges filed against her by the police department for wasting taxpayers money...

    Does Wilson get his bail money back?
  8. Once again I think people should stop paying attention to players personal lives it means nothing to the game.
  9. Dougerrrr

    Dougerrrr Laus Deo

    I wouldn't say it has "nothing" to do with it. I think it has something to do with what team you like and support and what players you like and support.
    If you compare it to other businesses in the world......let me ask you this.....if you had the option of patronizing a store that hires thieves/abusers/molesters/(insert a crime here).....compared to a store that hires friendly/helpful/law abiding type people....which would you patronize....if they offered basically the same products at the same price?

    If anyone says it isn't the same thing, they are right, but is it similar?...Yeah...so why say that the players have the right to be above speculation because they's NFL players.....they don't have that right. No more than you or I do.
    As much as they're attacked and expected to hold a higher standard....they are also let off the hook because of their status. I think they should be held to the same standards that we as people on this planet are. If I did some of the things that NFL players do....I'd be asked to find a new place of employment. Why are they above that?