Discuss Wrestlemania 29 as it happens. There will be spoilers of what happened so if you don't want to know, DON'T COME IN!
Nice, I'll be hanging out in this thread tonight. Don't forget there's the pre-show match free on YouTube: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4VWwqzKHws]Don't miss the WrestleMania 29 Pre Show - Tonight at 6 ET - YouTube[/ame]
So far if there's any surprises they aren't being talked about on the dirt sheets. Living Color will be playing Punks theme live and Diddy will be "performing" or whatever the hell he does these days. I think it's going to be predictable and boring as heck but I'm still stoked.
Isn't Rock already scheduled to work the next PPV? I feel like he wins tonight and then Cena gets the belt back the following PPV. I also don't think Undertaker will lose. I don't think Punk would allow that.
Punk doesn't want to be in this match. He doesn't want to carry a dinosaur and has nothing to gain from this match. He loses, he's just another name. He wins, fans are pissed that he won. He's legitimately upset that he's in the match and will probably take some time off. The Rock IS booked for Extreme Rules. Well, he's at least scheduled to show up. But he's also scheduled to film "Hercules" over the next month so the E already shat on the WWE Title by not having it on 3 of the 5 shows leading up so what would it hurt to not have it on AT ALL leading up to Extreme Rules.
I feel like this is an 'afterthought' Wrestlemania with the big build being for WMXXX. It should still be fun. I hope Daniel Bryan gets some time to shine in the big stage (that :18 second crap last year was a joke) and it'll be interesting to see what swerves they throw at us tonight.
4/7 Shore's WWE WrestleMania 29 results and review: The Rock vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship, Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar in a No Holds Barred match with Hunter's career on the line, Undertaker vs. C.M. Punk 4/7 Powell's WWE WrestleMania 29 results and review: The Rock vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship, Triple H puts his career on the line vs. Brock Lesnar in a No Holds Barred match, Undertaker vs. C.M. Punk, Ryback vs. Mark Henry
Not off to a good start. I think the Miz is TERRIBLE and it's an abomination he's using such a legendary move as his finisher now. But SRW is right, this Mania just seems thrown together. Supposedly there's not a whole lot of surprises planned for tonight and it should be pretty straight forward. Cena, Taker and Mr. H's all winning their matches.
Show will kick off with Sheamus, Orton and Big Show vs The Shield. This should be a fun brawl to watch. I am a BIG Dean Ambrose fan, he's got almost Piper-like charisma. Seth Rollins can flat out work.
Wrestlemania XXIX odds: The Rock big underdog vs. Cena - 04-02-2013 Are you kidding me? Who's betting on wrestling??? Hey bitb, any updates on the standings tonight?
One of my favorite YouTube channels DSPGaming, is at WM 29. He lives in CT, so it's not a big trip for him. He's posting videos of his trip on his secondary channel, THEKINGOFHATEVLOGS.
The Shield defeated Randy Orton, Sheamus, and Big Show. 4/7 Shore's WWE WrestleMania 29 results and review: The Rock vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship, Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar in a No Holds Barred match with Hunter's career on the line, Undertaker vs. C.M. Punk 4/7 Powell's WWE WrestleMania 29 results and review: The Rock vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship, Triple H puts his career on the line vs. Brock Lesnar in a No Holds Barred match, Undertaker vs. C.M. Punk, Ryback vs. Mark Henry Henry vs Ryback coming up next. Big man vs big man. Vince is jacking it in the back right now.
Henry's so damn good right now. He needs to get back in the world title mix on Smackdown. He's done his best work at the tail end of his career.