Think of fantasy football like a chess game. When preparing for your fantasy football draft, you also want to have Fantasy Football Draft Strategies in place. Much like predetermined strategies when playing chess.
Many owners spend countless weeks printing out charts and graphs involving every position that eventually they can't see their desk, half of their wall space and forget about the rug. Just tell your wife or husband that paper trails are the new rave in indoor decorating.
Others like to use the handy dandy fantasy magazine they bought from their local book store back in July. Not only is this magazine outdated by the time you have your sweaty hands clawing through it during the draft, but it was also out-of-date by the time it hit book shelves across America. Trust me. I know. I created two magazines for the now defunct Created "during the NFL draft" and needed by the printers two weeks later, the magazines we made were full of info that could never be outdated. But the rankings themselves? Well, let's just say they were a bit off. By the time you spend your $5-$6 dollars of hard earned money on your new "money maker," most of the magazine is useless* outside of several well written columns that don't go out of date no matter how many years go by. Instead of using that magazine solely as your way to get to the top of your league standings, you're better off tucking it away in your suitcase and using it as a "soothing relaxation method" so your kids don't make you pull your hair out during your yearly vacation to the beach.
*I would just like to say that I am in no way bashing those online sites who continue to crank out a fantasy magazine every year. I know the blood, sweat and tears that goes through making and designing the pages, getting work in by the deadline and then seeing the finished product sitting on the shelf knowing you were a part of that. That's a feeling I will never lose. Keep going strong my fantasy brothers.
With the outdated "magazine method" of drafting out of the way, here are my Top 3 Fantasy Football Draft Strategies that I've learned over the years in preparation of my own drafts. Some of these might be right for you. Some might not. But that's okay. Everyone has their own way of doing things, especially when it comes to drafting. If at least one owner uses one of my methods and wins? Then this article will not have been a waste.
Keep in mind that there are a lot more basic strategies you can use, but I find these three to be the best when it comes to maximizing player value and drafting the best roster possible.
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