Did someone say wings? Sonic goes boneless; SportsChump reviews

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by SportsChump, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. SportsChump

    SportsChump Well-Known

    SportsChump.net has been around for quite some time, long enough at least for the site to generate a (bad) reputation.

    Because of the site’s longevity (five years and counting) and my occasionally, eye-catching spikes in traffic, I receive the strangest offers. I regularly receive copies of the latest sports-related books from one of my generous (and patient) publishing houses. Another company actually wanted me to review their fruit juice (which wasn’t all that bad, it was just a little too cherry).


    My latest suitor is one that perhaps you’ve heard of before. After all, their commercials are on television every other second and provide a chuckle thanks to the occasionally comical T.J. Jagodowski and Peter Grosz.

    That’s right, you guessed it. The good people at Sonic have asked me to review their latest menu item: the boneless chicken wing. I must be moving up in the world. Either that or I look real hungry.

    Read the review at: http://sportschump.net/2014/11/16/someone-say-wings-sonic-goes-boneless-sportschump-reviews/14714/