What's all this talk about balls?

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by SportsChump, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. SportsChump

    SportsChump Well-Known

    A friend of mine who is a non-sports fan (yes, I do have some of those) made an interesting observation the other day as scrolling headlines on the TV above us continued to report news of the NFL’s latest black eye. My friend mentioned in passing, rather poetically “As their empire lay crumbling, all anyone could do was talk about balls.”

    And he was right.

    News of Deflate-gate has dominated the headlines for over a week. It was all any talking head on any television station could talk about. Who ordered the deflating? Did Tom Brady do it? Was it Bill Belichick? Who un-aired these godforsaken footballs that gave the New England Patriots such an unfair advantage over those poor Indianapolis Colts and how long had they been doing it?

    Keep the ball rolling at: http://sportschump.net/2015/01/28/whats-talk-balls/14995/