Discussion in 'Wrestling Talk' started by CP26, Sep 13, 2008.

  1. CP26

    CP26 Im Back Mofos

    Apparently WWE told another lie on this past Monday's "Did You Know? segment on Raw. WWE claimed that Raw is the longest running weekly entertainment show in history with more episodes than ER, Seinfeld and The Simpsons combined. As of the conclusion of last season, The Simpsons has run a total of 420 episodes. According to websites, ER ran a total of 309 episodes through last season and Seinfeld ran 180 episodes during its existence. When you add the three shows together, you get 909 episodes. According to EpisodeWorld.com, there have been a total of 801 episode of Raw through last Monday. Also, the "longest-running" note appears to be a bit misleading. On Wikipedia, "longest-running" is judged by number of seasons, not number of episodes. WWE Monday Night Raw has been on the air since January 1993 for a total of 15 seasons whereas The Simpsons has been on the air since December 1989 for a total 19 seasons through last May.
  2. Walnuts

    Walnuts All-Pro

    Why get upset if fake sports lie about crap?
  3. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    is WWF, everything is a lie
  4. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Nothing is longer than the Simpsons!
  5. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    do you remember the start of the monday night show
  6. CP26

    CP26 Im Back Mofos

    I do. It was an ok Card but it was better back then.
  7. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    :laughy32: @ damien domento
  8. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    What was the first card?
  9. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

  10. Mr. D

    Mr. D WINNING!!

    fixed it for you

    we ain't talking about the World Wildlife Fund now
  11. Mr. D

    Mr. D WINNING!!

    you do know that Raw has run a total of 817 Mondays as of the 13th of this month 819 as of two days ago

    unlike the Simpsons, RAW runs every MONDAY with new shows every week of the year

    so since Raw runs through the summer time with new shows while the Simpsons ran through Re-Runs through the summer until the next season started, Raw caught up pretty fast with that second rate cartoon
  12. ronbart

    ronbart Pro Bowler

    i agreed with you till the very end. yes, raw produces more new episodes a year, but come one. the simpsons are legends not second rate :homer:
  13. Mr. D

    Mr. D WINNING!!

    simpsons stopped being funny around the 3rd season but that's just my opinion

    legends as in a huge show that brought in a lot of money and many people loved but not everyone lol

    there are still somethings about the simpsons I still like but I pretty much got bored of them around the 3rd or 4th season
  14. ronbart

    ronbart Pro Bowler

    i pitty you