Scott J Pachman posted an article on FantasyFootballGab titled: Now For Something Completely Pointless. I think it's rather creative.
Here Are 5 Video Games I’d Like To Play:
1. Wii Fit-zgerald
Get in shape with Larry Fitzgerald and learn yoga and other relaxation techniques that help him cope with playing for the worst quarterbacks in the NFL.
2. BioShockey
Solve the mysteries of the underwater civilization before the whiny, tattooed inhabitants give you a massive headache.
3. Pokemon Gould
Train for your draft day by trying to pick up (i.e. collect) as many kickers possible. Can you catch ‘em all?
4. Mortal Kombat: Deadly Eliance
Shang Tsung is at it again, but this time he has brought his deadliest weapon yet! Fight your way through 16 levels of blood and [Frank] gore to battle a [New York] giant named Eli.
5. RoethlisBerger Time
Survive through countless levels of deadly obstacles such as chicks with mace, a cranky-pants parole officer, and Roger Goodell as you travel the offseason on a motorcycle from the fiery pits of hell.