New Profile Posts

  1. NateTheGreat2285
  2. Sweets
    Sweets lman
    Welcome, hope to see you posting soon...
  3. Walnuts
    Walnuts K Train
    Well, it looks like that CJ for CJ trade is shaping up to be the rape of the year for you. :D
  4. exanimate
    exanimate Inclulbus
    Hell yeah. My son's baseball games got rained out so we were able to make it to the game. Now if my other son's baseball tournament in Mt. Sterling would get canceled this weekend I'd be set.
  5. Inclulbus
    Inclulbus exanimate
    Not at all! #1 Passing offense in the nation for now! ha
  6. exanimate
    exanimate Inclulbus
    I'm just down the road in Milton. Not too far away.
  7. Inclulbus
    Inclulbus exanimate
    I'm in Rand, WV. Good to have you on the site! ... Even though I see your join date is 2007, lol.. only 37 posts. Fellow Marshall fan though! That's rare on here.
  8. gmatiderhs
  9. gmatiderhs
  10. gmatiderhs
  11. gmatiderhs
  12. Walnuts
    Walnuts SeanTaylor21
    your email for the $$ league please
  13. gmatiderhs
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  18. Alcohol_IV
    Alcohol_IV Starkiller501
    So, you like it in the balloon knot huh?
  19. 86WARD
    86WARD SRW
    Just found a cool feature to add background images to member stuff.
  20. andrluba11
    Discount PC

    hi there :)