back to front 4 life lol
5-0 romping
go Germany!!! polands not in the world cup but the germans have a polish player named lucas podolski
its been pretty fun I got it for 360 I dident have much of a different time then playing gta but its still fun
I wouldent touch him with how high I got him last year my team bounced back but I started with McCoy Richardson last year idk what happened to him...
Both are good picks only thing that would make me take brees over peyton is peytons age.
I hope the kid does well so many people are negative about him hope there proven wrong.
Hope the dudes alright never good to hear ex players doing bad even rival players.
Ridiculous amount of money its just gonna get worse and worse with how much these guys contracts are.
Man that sucks tracy morgan is a funny dude no fun being in a car accident pray hes ok.
I would take Peterson,mccoy,peyton manning over him.
Its fine the way it is now no reason to change it
lol haha funny name
The nfl shouldn't even test for pot so retarted
hahaha to funny
that's freaking crazy
tanking for a good pick lol
Separate names with a comma.