giants cowboys hell no skins don't mind
wont be able to watch cause I work Saturday unacceptable
i feel desean got snubed he had a great year but theres also alot of good receivers this year
just got off of work got 3 days off cant wait for this game tommorow night
That stadium doesent scare anybody there will be lots of eagles fans and quiet cowboy fans by halftime
last time the eagles cowboys played for a playoff spot dident go well for the boyz [media]
romo officially out for the year orton will be starting next week
Glad peterson isnt playing should be a win
Happy the cowboys lost now were sitting nice all alone on top just gotta keep the wins going which are very winnable games.
cant wait for the show to start again the last episode was awesome glad the governer got killed only made sense for michone to kill him.
You never know in the nfl could be a upset
awesome it staying havent been on much cause my internet has been acting weird
obama can go heck himself im not getting one till april so im gonna have to pay the 100 dollar penalty or whatever it is for the first year.
I'm off tommorow so I'm putting it up I've been sleeping 5 to 11 and getting ready for work and still hitting the gym before work so been busy
Take ure time
watever im busy it will be up when i have the time
Cooper does good. when he has a white qb hilarious lol
After hell in the cell
I forgot to post updates my bad i was busy for work it will be up tommorow
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