Jags gonna make some noise this year.
ATL's defense look awful.
double post. SOrry.
He's a God Damned idiot. Did you see the interview afterwards? Said he got a text message from coach Sark....coaches aren't allowed to have...
Had an invested interest in the Ducks -13. Scared me but they pulled thru. Gators looked strong. I know it was Eastern Mich. but they looked good...
Birds craptin the bed early. Looks like they got it together now.
I'm in.
Sorry I missed the draft. I hate when people can't commit to a draft. I was at the friggin zoo all day. Trust me I would have much rather been doing...
What time is the draft? Gotta ho to the Jax zoo Sunday....
I'm in. I'll sign up tonight.
Yessa we gots it here!
Baby bull.....Ive seen some in Boca Grande pass that would swallowed him without a bite
R.I.P. Jimmy.
Well deserved ass whoopin. And the police did the right thing. I know all the leftists hate this but even they have to agree.
I remember the good ole days when a thread like this woulda got hot quick.
Yo!! Don't forgettaboutdamush!!
R.I.P. Mr. Glazer. He turned my Bucs into winners....for a minute at least.
Good point.
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