So Tim Tebow refuses to play because McElroy got the start over him? Seems like good boy Timmy is starting to crumble. One more year in NYC should...
KSI - LOL song [HD] - YouTube
He's none of the listed.
The fact that the Jets utilise and consider the wildcat as a big part of their offense in 2012 just shows how utterly incompetent and behind the...
If being a Black QB is about emulating the actions of Michael Vick, Cam Newton and co. then Rob Parker should re-evaluate his opinions. Too bad...
He's an absolute turd, but is good at it and has been absolutely outstanding both on the corner and on run support this season. In a perfect world...
The same team who put up with Brett Favre's 24/7 attention whoring is mad with a guy who writes the odd letter on the internet and violating the...
"My favorite part of the fine email from the NFL - they end it with "sincerely". It's the little touches that let you know they care"
This. I'm happy that the Saints players has stood up to Roger Goodell's iron fist rule, and this whole saga has painted the NFL to be nothing but a...
Straight up thug. [IMG]
Had easily one of the all time worst head coaching stints, absolutely obliterated the progress made on our offence by Pat Shurmur before him and...
My god it just won't stop.
And look how quickly they hit the craps after winning the Superbowl.
The way they've been talking about Vick and how he's reacting to this concussion seems to suggest that missing the rest of the season is a best case...
Having read the actual article on hand, as much as to an extent I agree with the writer being anti-tattoo (particularly when he states that "Your...
Man up Jim, we ain't buying that explanation. Posted via Mobile Device
:cele09: :cele08: :cele09: :cele08: :cele09: :cele08: :cele09: :cele08: :cele09: :cele08: :cele09: :cele08: :cele09: :cele08: :cele09: :cele08:...
That's not saying much, even if Alex Smith is susceptible to confidence plummets at the drop of a hat. Posted via Mobile Device
Separate names with a comma.