Like I said earlier I read a lot about football. I know that Harvard has had some really good athletes, even at football.
There aren't many things I like more than a healthy tackle.
Since most QB's in football use the forward pass quite often I think it's important for them to be at least elbow deep during the offseason.
Me and Eddie have talked and he gave me a lot of encouragement. I think he will want to stay with us after he finds out how much I can learn from...
I don't get that joke, but those are some funny colors. Haha.
They use barley to brew beer, and that has alcohol in it, Joe.
I will remain chaste.
The whole thing going on with the Colts just seems really scary to me. If I was on a team that just let their flock out to pasture without a...
It must be really frustrating for Mark to be playing on a team that doesn't share his values.
Oh, haha. OK, now I feel kind of silly. Thank you.
I went to Beaumont one time, it's a nice town. I had the best fried chicken there. He would probably be happy to stay in his home state.
Wow. Did the Jets make a huge mistake, or what?
I don't think that it's an add. It is the same thing flashing 'Your Notifications: 2', but the number 2 is in red, and it's the same no matter...
I really hope that Peyton decides to come help me here in Denver, but another part of me wants him to be happy.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Thanks again for the welcome, Sweets. I do have a question for anyone that can help. I once watched this show on Discovery channel about female...
Haha. That's a funny pear.
When I first heard of this I was all agog. I talked to Brandon earlier today and he said it's all a misunderstanding. Me and Josh have been...
Hi, Crowned. I could never do like that. I only promote wholesomeness and qualities that make people become closer to Jesus. I'll pray for you...
I like you too Saintsfan. Dagron, of course I won't want to leave. I really think Peyton is a quality addition to our team. I'm all about the team.
Separate names with a comma.