he has been extremely helpfull to our defense anda force to be reckoned with. i am glad he is on our team and not anyone else's. However i have seen...
another mans balls passed wildstylez passed another mans balls passed invincable vincanty passed earl's blue crew on the clock untill 6:35 p.m...
. I'm pretty sure it's my pick again, so, the inVINCEable VINCanity selects, Offensive Guard Eric Steinbach of the Cleveland Browns. [IMG] One...
we start 3 reveivers you get 1pt ppr 1 pt every 10 rush rec 6pts td my receivers are terrel owens @ chicago andre johnson @ indy lee evans...
sorry but kellen winslow was selected just a couple picks before you. (page30) drunk mariachs passed earl's blue crew on the clock untill...
with their pick East Coast Slayers Select Bentley, LeCharles c i believe it was my pick and my time so i think tj is on the clock untill 12:35...
drunk mariachs passed East Coast Slayers select Moran Norris fb now on the clock deadline of 9:00 a.m eastern england cowboy haters
earls blue crew on the clock untill 8:10 p.m eastern earls blue crew passed now on the clock drunk mariachs deadline of 1:10 a.m eastern
i signed simply because he deserves to be honored in some fashion
work at a chemical plant im a chemical operator officially
was a great game and the rice so called fumble hardly makes up for all the botched calls in alot of great games between these two teams... This was...
y.a title
i work swing shifts 12 hr days or nights and not normal mon thru friday i work fri sat sun mon all nights 5 p.m to 5 a.m then i go back in...
rod butkis
that was my theory i only need a qb for week 10 when brady is on his bye he will be my starter every week.... i have since dropped farve and added...
i would say the chiefs or falcons
i went with the battle play not only for the nice throw and catch and weird ending but looking at how bad the passing game was untill that point
i think the fairest way is to do a coin toss winner decides to kick or receive then kicking team kicks off and offense does what it can do basically...
david givens
mike mcmahon
Separate names with a comma.