You got it, Linz, Buffgrandpa, and me were all puckered up I'm sure. Hell I'd done pretty much conceeded the fact that I was out.
Dolphindude13 Buffgrandpa linz_renee n1gbpackfan DaBearsrule4ever Sweets Ridin'Burgundy Congrats to all, another week together!!
Dolphindude13 not any more Buffgrandpa another donkey victim linz_renee n1gbpackfan DaBearsrule4ever Sweets Ridin'Burgundy- victim #3 Thanks to the Bronco's choke job 3 more of us bite the dust.
linz_renee n1gbpackfan DaBearsrule4ever Sweets so what team(s) do those people have? Has anyone advanced to next week?
DaBears had the Titans so he advanced......he is also the defending Champ n1gbpackfan has San Diego so she's not looking to good at the moment. Sweets has Buffalo who is losing at the moment Linz has Dallas who's tied at the moment.
and then there were 3.... DaBearsrule4ever N1gbpackfan Sweets Go on to Week 5... It ain't over till all the fat ladies sing.....and there are singing in Buffalo and San Diego
My god, I think I had this thing won be week 10 last year. Through 4 weeks this year, already down to three? LMAO!
This year's suicide league might be over faster then last years. To make it more fun, I actually hope not.
I was seriously considering using the Cowboys as my survival team this week. Watching parts of that Cowboys/Bengals game made me glad that I decided not too. Especially when the Bengals got within 17-16 after trailing 17-0. Oh well, on to week 6!