Matt Maiocco of the CSN Bay Area believes that the 49ers will target QB Josh Johnson if they’re unable to reach a deal with Alex Smith before the start of the free agency next tuesday. It’s been reported that the 49ers and Smith are at a standstill as Smith is supposedly looking for a five-year contract while the team is only offering three-years. Maiocco mentions that Johnson would most likely be the team’s starting quarterback instead of Colin Kaepernick. What’s interesting about the idea is that both players are very athletic quarterbacks which seems to be a trait that Jim Harbaugh and company favor in their quarterbacks. Source: NFL Trade Rumors
no...Jesus H Christ, just sign the freaking contract or say no Alex, you're not elite enough to call your own shots for petes sake...God, I hate Smith.
Sooooooooooooooo freaking tired of hearing Johnsons name. Just because he once played under Harbaugh (in baby ball NCAA, in an entirely different offense than he runs now) doesnt mean he's a viable option as an NFL starting qb under him. The majority of the fanbase seems to think that Johnson is the next coming of Steve Young and all that needs to happen is put him under Harbaugh and he's good to go.
Always like Johnson personally. Wanted to draft him when he came out. Thought he was a good development prospect As it stands, getting him wouldnt be a bad deal if you let Smith go. Kaepernick may be the eventual winner, but Johnson makes him earn it, and would be a quality backup if Kaepernick wins out
well, i don't think they want to replace Alex. They just don't want to pay him the large, long-term deal he's apparently asking for.
NO, no, no, a million times no, he most absolutely did not lead the team to a freaking thing. The defense, special teams, and run game led the team to the great season they had, and it was the passing games ineptitude that kept them from going any further than they did. The only thing Alex did to help was not turn the ball over like he has in the past, and I give him a lot of credit for that, but he was never the reason for the success and he was not the leader of crap.
He did ball out in the playoff game, I will give him that. Too bad he couldnt keep it up vs the Giants though, his lack of production had far more to do with the loss than Williams' famous gaffes. Twice? I'm drawing a blank on the second time.
He had a pass to bring them back the first time, and a run the 2nd, those might be reversed but it went something like that. All I know is I wanted to go beat Alex Smiths smug face twice. Anyways not saying don't look for a better QB. Just that hes better than a lot of QBs in this league.
Well, regardless he's your QB for awhile it seems like. Your coach wants him, and he wants to be there. No matter how much many fans don't want him there lol. I feel for you man, we had Joey Harrington.. and our GM just never wanted to get rid of him.
I'm okay with it...or have accepted it any any rate for the time being. He's shown he's good enough under Harbaugh to not lose games at least, and he's really just a bridge to Kaepernick at this point. He'll be gone soon enough so long as Kaep or whoever works out in the next year or two. Harbaughs a qb and an offensive-minded dude, and despite his love for Alex he surely realizes how much he limits what the offense can do. He knows he's good enough for now though, and that's all right. The futures so bright I gotta :icon_cool:.
well, people are still reporting that peyton has not ruled out the 49ers, so maybe they won't need to worry about which of these 2 guys is better ..................
As much as I'd like it I really can't see it happening. Harbaugh and Roman don't seem like the types to let someone else basically take over their offense and run it the way they please like Peyton would do (or want to do), and I definitely don't see Peyton as being the type to work inside someone elses offense at this point.