49ers Vs Vikings

Discussion in 'NFL Gameday' started by ollysj, Sep 23, 2009.


Who will win this game?

Poll closed Sep 27, 2009.
  1. 49ers

  2. Vikings

  1. cris80

    cris80 comic relief

    If you watch the first 2 games the Vikings played very conservatively on D. They made it a priority to stop the passing game, and try to slow down Edwards and Megatron respectively.

    The niners are definitely a run first team, and I think we'll see a different game plan this weekend. You'll see the vikings put more men in the box and also do some run blitzing.

    Either way, I'm expecting a pretty good game but with a Vikings win.
  2. SweetShot03

    SweetShot03 Fuck stupid people

    I think the 9ers will come out on top...... I think they can be a little more versatile then the vikes..
  3. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Vikes win at home.
  4. cris80

    cris80 comic relief

    lol. How so? I'm not knocking the niners because they've got a good defense and a great running back. I've also got a lot of respect for singletary. But more versatile? I'd love to hear your logic on that because I think you're high.
  5. MadMoxxiFavGun

    MadMoxxiFavGun Going Crazy

    patrick willis > adrain peterson

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    frank gore > 9 guys in the box:icon_evil:
  6. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    ok, i would be able to buy this theory except for the fact that the Vikes were basically facing 2 rookie qb's in their first 2 games. i could understand taking defenders away from run support to stop the pass if you're facing Tom Brady or Peyton Manning but you're telling me the Vikes had to sacrifice the run game in order to stop Brady Quinn and Matt Stafford? If true, then that is some horrible game planning.

    I haven't been impressed thus far with the Vikes run defense but it's only been 2 games. Based on history, I expect them to improve but I don't think there are any reasonable excuses for what they gave up in the first 2 games.
  7. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    I hate to say it - Vikings will win this one
  8. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtoVZF5td_U&feature=related]YouTube - What time is it? GAME TIME.[/ame]

  9. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    Screw. Let's go D...
  10. Roy31

    Roy31 Hall Of Famer

    I can envision Coffee gashing this D. Stupid play, 3rd and 1 and throw the ball.
  11. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    3 and out, Gore limping badly and on the sidelines...crap

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    Vikings with a TD.

    **********Automerged Doublepost**********

    Is Coffee alright? My computer messed up right when he got injured so I don't know..
  12. marty264

    marty264 Team Veteran

    It went to a commercial, but the commentator said he went off the field under his own power. Hopefully he just got the wind knocked out of him.
    1 person likes this.
  13. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    Thanks for letting me know, Marty

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    HELL YEAH, AHMAD BROOKS, BABY! Great to see a former Wahoo on the 9ers :icon_cheesygrin:
  14. Skeeve

    Skeeve 1st Stringer

    You definitely need to give your qb a bit more time or its going to be a long afternoon for you.
  15. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    No doubt, man..
  16. Roy31

    Roy31 Hall Of Famer

    awww man could have been gone and score would be tied.

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    hey its a first down... wow... Niners need a score on this drive.
  17. marty264

    marty264 Team Veteran

    Did I miss something there, or was that just complete bs?
  18. Roy31

    Roy31 Hall Of Famer

    4th & 1 gamble, they pass and get the first down... amazing.
  19. marty264

    marty264 Team Veteran

    No blow to the head either. Reffing is a little one sided.
  20. Roy31

    Roy31 Hall Of Famer

    Vernon for 6... niceee, the niners are on the scoreboard.