March may be over but the madness, my friends, is just beginning. For the longest time, I’ve debated over which is the greatest American rock-and-roll act of all time. After all, despite Grammy awards won, albums sold and number one hits compiled, isn’t the greatest band of all time still a purely subjective argument? This is where you come in. Vote at:
Putting this thing together was a bear and by that, choosing only 64 bands. I'm looking forward to seeing how this thing turns out. Wait til the later round matchups, man. It's gonna get tough.
I love these. I couldn't care less about college basketball but I always look forward to brackets like this. It's been a while since I voted in a "best band" tournament. Smashing Pumpkins are my favorite but are losing badly. I can't decide if your readers are too old or too young.
All the voting's not in yet, boys. The young readers have yet to register their votes. That being said, I didn't anticipate the Smashing Pumpkins getting out of their first round match-up against Bob Seger. After all, that would be a pretty impressive 2-15 upset.
Round two is up, boys and girls...
I'm surprised R.E.M. is beating Allman Brothers. I thought for sure I would be the only one voting for them. It's early still but how the hell are The Eagles crushing The Beach Boys?
Dawk... I was surprised by REM too. And Teej... I think the Van Halen over Nirvana thing is strictly generational. I'm more of a Van Halen guy so I can see it. As far as overall influence, I'd argue Nirvana but hit for hit, Van Halen's got more. All depends on how you look at it, which again was what this poll was all about.
Round Three is up, boys and girls!