Anyone Interested In Doing A GIF Collaborative Mock?

Discussion in 'NFL Draft Discussion' started by Walnuts, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. Stevenson look further up.
  2. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    I'll be the Giants.
  3. CStevenson13

    CStevenson13 1st Stringer

    I'll take Detroit
  4. Starkiller501

    Starkiller501 Starter

    I'll take the Vikes, if there's no objections
  5. TheSnowman

    TheSnowman #1 Trap Star

    Just don't get too crazy on us, lol.

    I don't care about choosing my second team, so whatever nobody wants is fine. I guess I'll take Jacksonville if nobody claims them soon.
  6. cpgobrowns

    cpgobrowns < Deer/Headlights

    Same deal, I'll take whoever for team 2.
  7. come on guys we need to pick more teams. I'm planning on starting this on Monday.
  8. 1. cpgobrowns (Browns)

    2. Slimey (49ers)

    3. The Snowman (Bengals) (Jaguars)

    4. CStevenson13 (Ravens) (Lions)

    5. adammwilson (Titans) (Falcons)

    6. mj1987us26 (Dolphins) (Giants)

    7. Andy82 (Rams)

    8. Jihad Joe (Cowboys)

    9. Starkiller501 (Panthers) (Vikings)

    10. Ktrain (Steelers)

    11. 127markaz (Cardinals)

    12. Beerfish (Jets) (Patriots)

    13. The Duke (Eagles)

    14. Mush (Bucs)

    15. Payton3434 (Bears)

    16. PSID412USM (Redskins)

    17. Nachmany5 (Bills)

    18. SteveRobWhatever (Seattle)

    Players that still need to pick teams:


    Teams that need to be claimed. (It's ok to have more than 1 team but let's try and limit it at two.









    Last edited: Apr 1, 2012
  9. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    [MENTION=1989]adammwilson[/MENTION], if you'd like feel free to send me a PM message I can mass send out to everyone to get the word out. I'd also maybe delay the start to Wed or Thu to allow the Mon-Fri crowd some time to get in on this.
  10. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    Got da Bucs.
  11. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    [MENTION=1989]adammwilson[/MENTION], check your PM's. I sent you a edit to the mass PM message. Lemme know what you think.
  12. PSID412USM

    PSID412USM Pro Bowler

    I claim the Redskins if they are still free
  13. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Teams that need to be claimed: (It's ok to have more than 1 team but let's try and limit it at two.)
    1. Bears
    2. Packers
    3. Texans
    4. Colts
    5. Saints
    6. Bills
    7. Redskins
    8. Broncos
    9. Chiefs
    10. Raiders
    11. Chargers
    12. Seahawks
    [MENTION=1989]adammwilson[/MENTION], I'll take Seattle. I can't think of a die-hard Seahawks fan who'd want in so why not. We need to find us some more football fans. Time for a recruitment contest?

    Also, remember the @users option works to get someone's attention. Just preface someone's screenname with the "@" sign and they get a notice to check out your post. Also, you can invite members with the top of any thread. Just some helpful reminders in getting the word out about things.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2012
  14. Payton3434

    Payton3434 Rookie

    I'm in, I'd like the Bears if they're still available. My alternate team is the Arizona Cardinals if Chicago is already taken.
  15. nachmany5

    nachmany5 Franchise Quarterback

    I want BUFFALO please.

    Thanks guys.
  16. nachmany5

    nachmany5 Franchise Quarterback

    When does this begin?
  17. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    [MENTION=3191]nachmany5[/MENTION], [MENTION=1989]adammwilson[/MENTION] plans on starting it this Wednesday. He'll be posting up the details.
  18. 1. cpgobrowns (Browns)

    2. Slimey (49ers)

    3. The Snowman (Bengals) (Jaguars)

    4. CStevenson13 (Ravens) (Lions)

    5. adammwilson (Titans) (Falcons)

    6. mj1987us26 (Dolphins) (Giants)

    7. Andy82 (Rams)

    8. Jihad Joe (Cowboys)

    9. Starkiller501 (Panthers) (Vikings)

    10. Ktrain (Steelers)

    11. 127markaz (Cardinals)

    12. Beerfish (Jets) (Patriots)

    13. The Duke (Eagles)

    14. Mush (Bucs)

    15. Payton3434 (Bears)

    16. PSID412USM (Redskins)

    17. Nachmany5 (Bills)

    18. SteveRobWhatever (Seattle)

    19. Lrudrods (Chiefs)

    20. Dontknowme (Texans)

    Players that still need to pick teams:


    Teams that need to be claimed. (It's ok to have more than 1 team but let's try and limit it at two.)








    Last edited: Apr 1, 2012
  19. lruddicks

    lruddicks kcs redneck

    ill take the chiefs
  20. AdiBear

    AdiBear 1st Stringer

    I'll take Da Bears,if they are still open :icon_cheesygrin: