Bears Vs Packers SNF

Discussion in 'NFL Gameday' started by ollysj, Sep 7, 2009.


Who will win this game?

Poll closed Sep 14, 2009.
  1. Bears

  2. Packers

  1. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Driver wide open...gets about 7.
  2. Roy31

    Roy31 Hall Of Famer

    uncharacteristic play by driver.
  3. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    Your up 2 and you give them field goal range with that play wtf
  4. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Flag down, looks to be holding
  5. Harvs01

    Harvs01 Pro Bowler

    too bad thats coming back
  6. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Holding, 3rd and 13 coming up...
  7. Wacko4Flacco

    Wacko4Flacco Prima Ballerina

    Damn, a huge flag.
  8. Tarkus

    Tarkus The Thread Stalker

    Can we dodge a bullet here?
  9. Harvs01

    Harvs01 Pro Bowler

    if no yards are gained its a 50 +
  10. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    This game has had more flags than an 11 on 11 flag football game.
  11. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Pass to Jennings short of first down, here comes the fg unit

    **********Automerged Doublepost**********

    Crosby's kick is up

    and good
    13-12 GB
  12. Tarkus

    Tarkus The Thread Stalker

  13. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    FG gives us a 1 point lead
  14. Wacko4Flacco

    Wacko4Flacco Prima Ballerina

    This one is going down to the last drive. I can feel it.
  15. The CO2

    The CO2 Don't pray, just play!

    So, the most stupid play in history leads to only a field goal. If the Bears lose by 1 point, Lovie will never live that down.
  16. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    Where are you from?

    **********Automerged Doublepost**********

    Now freaking stop them!!!!
  17. The CO2

    The CO2 Don't pray, just play!

    Yes, Stop that D!!! :icon_cheesygrin:
  18. Tarkus

    Tarkus The Thread Stalker

    Screw Collinsworth's comment that it's on the players not the coaches. Who directs the players on when to call a fake?

  19. Garnett

    Garnett Gritt Tuff

    Has Aaron Kampman done anything this game?
  20. The CO2

    The CO2 Don't pray, just play!

    Whoa! Almost picked off.