Nothing says "don't cut me" like a bouquet of roses. Which is why Bears wideout Devin Aromashodu's idea is sort of brilliant. Rather than leave his NFL chances to fate, he went ahead and purchased all the Bears coaches flowers: "I sent flowers to all the coaches, to keep me in mind," he said Tuesday. **********Automerged Doublepost********** For the record, that was the article that said the idea was kind of brilliant. I think its kind of goobered.
What kind of flowers? Because roses say 'I love you, please keep me', while carnations are just a big 'FREAK YOU!'
Must have worked. Looks like he made it. Watch the boom of flower purchases come cut time next year...
Do you think that having the word 'aroma' in his name had anything to do with the sending of flowers?
Quite sad how many lazy reporters there are that reported this without pointing out he said he was joking right afterwards.