Couldn't agree more. Denver is pretty much talentless and Tebow will have to endure many beatings as he learns as he goes. If only that dipcrap Josh McDaniels hadn't wasted his first round pick on Tebow this wouldn't even be a conversation and TT wouldn't be in the center of the NFL media world.
He shouldn't have been a 1st round pick. If he was a 5th rounder, as he should have been, nothing would have been said. A first rounder typically should be ready to start by his second year. This isn't his first start. That was last year. And he played like Tebow for the whole game. Doing just enough to win at the end against a very crappy team. I don't bow down to him because of his faith and that is what everyone loves him for. Everyone says I admire his faith. If he is so religious he shouldn't be playing pro ball cause according to the bible he should be resting on the Sabbath. Leaving his religious beliefs out of this and if he was of a different color he wouldn't be a quarterback right now. He would be a tight end or a fullback. That is just the way it is. But he is a media darling who folks want to succeed. Let him play against the Steelers or Ravens or Jets and see how well he does. More likely the first 57 minutes rather than the last 3 minutes. Also if Miami would have kicked the extra point this would be mute because he would have lost the game. It isn't about hating on Tebow. I don't care one way or the other about him. He just isn't a quality starting qb in the NFL. I know that there are others that aren't other quality starting qbs in the league but they don't have the media hype as he does. He hasn't done anything in the NFL to warrent all the attention he is getting.