The Glazer family, who own the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, are $1.6 billion in debt, putting its control of the Manchester United soccer team in doubt, according to a BBC report. The BBC investigation found that the Glazer family's debts are $577 million (400 million pounds) greater than previously known. The BBC report says the extra debt comes after the Glazers borrowed $570 million (388 million pounds) against their U.S. shopping mall business, First Allied Corp and $95 million (66 million pounds) against the Bucs. A family spokesman said the Glazers hold more than $2.9 billion (2 billion pounds) in assets, the report said. The extent of the debt could fuel a further revolt by the group of United fans who oppose the Glazers' ownership, the report said. Source: Tampa Tribune
yep, i remember when they bought that soccer team, they had to take out a huge loan (a billion i think) and it was at a ridiculous interest rate like 9 or 10% ............. :icon_eek:
"That" soccer club just happens to be one of the biggest clubs in the world. Glazer's showed they were stupid when they paid a record amount of the Bucs (At that time, a perrenial loser with an awful stadium in a retirement town), and them buying out Man Utd has further proven that. I hope they stick around in Manchester for a little bit longer though, I enjoy watching all the gloryboys crying.
I know Man U is one of the biggest sports franchises in the world. Sorry to not call them by name even though soccer is irrelevant here in the U.S. And I'm not sure what 'gloryboys' refers to and don't really care, but when I was first reading the sentence, I thought it said 'glory holes' ..................... unfortunately, you didn't say glory holes so no rep for you ..................... :icon_sad:
i understand. what is the British version of Eagles fans ? ..................... ? douchebags? rodheads? (i'm just kidding so don't get your panties in a wad bitb ............... :icon_cheesygrin:)
Soccer is ruining the world. They haven't spent any money on the Bucs since 2003 and they are making a killing off of the team.
Well usually the douchebag/rodheads are also the gloryboys. BUT, if I had to choose, I would say they are similar to Leeds and Millwall fans (Possibly West Ham as well). Google the fans of those two teams and you'll realize that fast.
well, supposedly these are leeds fans and these are millwall fans so based on the first 2 pictures i googled, Eagles fans are EXACTLY like Millwall fans ..................... it's eery actually ...............
What is the deal with the Glazers borrowing against their strip malls to the tune of $500MM? Where the hell is all that money going?
i have a feeling andy and i just hijacked this thread. i don't even do it on purpose............ it just kind of happens .................... so, i will get back on point. i remember when i heard about all of the money they were borrowing to buy Man U, I was shocked at how high the interest rate............... do the math on 10% of $1 billion ............. that's a crapload of interest every year .....................