Cardinals Vs Eagles

Discussion in 'NFL Gameday' started by ollysj, Nov 9, 2011.


Who will win this game?

Poll closed Nov 13, 2011.
  1. Cardinals

    0 vote(s)
  2. Eagles

  1. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    That and they could certainly improve their LB situation over the off season and maybe hire an actual decent DC.
  2. ragman

    ragman Pro Bowler Fantasy Guru

    Hee hee!!
  3. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    Michael Vick is a crapty QB. The Eagles will go nowhere as long as Vick is there QB
  4. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    i think the giants play the eagles next sunday night. even though the eagles may already be done in the eyes of many, the giants can probably mathematically eliminate the eagles with a win. i don't think 7 losses is going to get a wild card this year in the nfc and that would be the eagles 7th loss already.
  5. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    He wasn't last year. And before you say 'Oh, they know how to gameplan for him now', that isn't the problem. He just isn't playing even close to as smart as he was last year. Terrible terrible decision making.
  6. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    are we 100% certain Reid will survive this debacle? I'm not sure he doesn't get fired after this.
  7. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    He gets to 6 or 7 wins I think he is safe. If he doesn't do that, he might be hecked.

    Not gonna lie, part of me is rooting for losses. Let's beat NYG and DAL. Put us in position to draft Blackmon or the top LB available.

    Not only will all of the losses put us in great draft position, but heads will HAVE to roll. Which is needed in a big way.
  8. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    And they'll draft a lineman.
  9. ragman

    ragman Pro Bowler Fantasy Guru

    Agreed. The Eagles Nation will demand the firings of Reid or Castillo if the losses continue. Maybe both. As well they should.
  10. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    Absofreakinglutely they will. Likely a DE who played great in college who will suck c**k in the NFL.