As I said, why not nominate someone deserving instead of comedic relief, and FYI DD13 isn't the only one complaining.
All the deserving people get nominated one way or the other anyway, and if there is a deserving poster that has gone without mention, I'll certainly remedy that. As I said, the aren't all for "comedic relief"
Maybe what needs to be done (and thanks to the "comedic relief" angle) is that we'll need a moderator to "second" a nomination before it's put up in the final voting. Of course that will mean more work for me when it's time to put up the voting threads (which already take about an hour to setup as it is). But who cares about all's all about the "comedic relief", isn't it?
Well who exactly is laughing? You have an entire forum to pick your spots but you feel the need to ruin this part with what you think is funny? Yet you are not the one dealing with the complaints and the extra work that comes from it.
I never said my problem was completely you did I? You're nominations are just part of the problem. I questioned a few of them but as far as I know you DONT nominate yourself like was in my original post on the subject. Like SRW said, you have a whole forum to laugh and type bullcrap all you want but instead you choose to put up Brooklyn for the Montana award.......which no one I've heard says is funny. If you think I take the awards to seriously, thats fine......I just try to distinguish between the right place for comedy and the not so right place.....I guess we'll just disagree, no big deal.
Well I got nominated for the Pimp award and I don't post up pics so I guess one other person is either laughing or not paying attention.
Know what you mean. I won't be able to vote for myself if I vote for somebody else. They are is who I thought they were! :rollinglaugh: