Cowboys @ Redskins (Sunday Night Football)

Discussion in 'NFL Gameday' started by SRW, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    Still doesn't explain a blow. Your assuming our offense is or will not score

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  2. Diesel44

    Diesel44 Serial Killer

    I Think it will be close,a lot closer thn theturkey day game.
  3. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    I think so too. One match up or lack of match is Dez he was covered by Hall and Cedric but Cedric is suspended.

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  4. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    [ame=]Washington Redskins, DallasCowboys rivalry - NFL Videos[/ame]
  5. Diesel44

    Diesel44 Serial Killer

    My son could throw for 400 yards on the redskins dbs,calling them pathetic is a compliment!
  6. ragman

    ragman Pro Bowler Fantasy Guru

    It's going to be cold up there. That will affect the kicking game. A cold football will not travel as far as a warm football. Keep your eye on that tomorrow night.
  7. Diesel44

    Diesel44 Serial Killer

    the wind creates more problems than the warmth or lack of warmth on the ball.
  8. ragman

    ragman Pro Bowler Fantasy Guru

    The temp plays a factor too. Look it up.
  9. Diesel44

    Diesel44 Serial Killer

    I'm sure it does,just not as greatly as wind gusts of 30 or 40 mph do.
  10. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    I'm honestly more concerned with Morris then RG3. If our safetys can prevent the deep pass we SHOULD have more luck against Griffen this time around

    However, I don't see how we stop the Redskins from imposing there will on the ground. No Ratliff, no Coleman, Brents in jail, Ware is hurt. Most if the healthy players we have on the DL are more pass geared. We will need a huge effort from Lissemore

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  11. Diesel44

    Diesel44 Serial Killer

    In less than 24 hours,we will find out!
  12. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    Griffen isn't playing this game


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  13. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    [ame=]Can Washington Redskins Robert Griffin III be contained in Week 17? - NFL Videos[/ame]
  14. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    And we are underway in DC! Redskins to open up on offense first. I hope this turns out to be a good one.
  15. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    [MENTION=1815]codatious99[/MENTION], [MENTION=572]Buck Fenson[/MENTION], [MENTION=3224]ronzi2[/MENTION], [MENTION=1533]86WARD[/MENTION], [MENTION=1656]SeanTaylor21[/MENTION], [MENTION=4056]ashb[/MENTION], [MENTION=4046]ICECOLD[/MENTION], [MENTION=3603]bossco[/MENTION], [MENTION=1647]ball in the baskett[/MENTION], [MENTION=2223]falloutboy14[/MENTION], [MENTION=1604]TheDuke[/MENTION], [MENTION=4031]Chace[/MENTION], [MENTION=3600]Steve12[/MENTION], [MENTION=1753]Jihad Joe[/MENTION], [MENTION=3044]Rottstein[/MENTION], [MENTION=555]Omen[/MENTION], [MENTION=1774]warwagon86[/MENTION], [MENTION=587]AdiBear[/MENTION], [MENTION=685]misfitz[/MENTION], [MENTION=2046]Lddbck[/MENTION], [MENTION=1547]mtzninersfan[/MENTION], [MENTION=521]Sweets[/MENTION], [MENTION=3721]IX 7 III[/MENTION], [MENTION=536]DawkinsINT[/MENTION], [MENTION=3845]groenator[/MENTION], [MENTION=3589]cKlass[/MENTION], [MENTION=1421]KISSman[/MENTION], [MENTION=1146]BoltzRule[/MENTION], [MENTION=968]RichLikeWh0a[/MENTION], [MENTION=1821]Tarkus[/MENTION], [MENTION=569]ollysj[/MENTION], [MENTION=2070]marty264[/MENTION]

    You all watching this game? Feel free to chime in your thoughts on the game or chat it up with others watching the game here.
  16. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors

    Unfortunately for me I don't think i'm going to get to watch very much of this game. Except maybe the tail end of it. Hopefully its still close.
  17. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Vintage Romo!

  18. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    Why why is Ogletree on the game

    Dwayne Harris so much better mother ducker

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  19. SeanTaylor21

    SeanTaylor21 TheKingofKind

    Half watching, half not. Mentally preparing myself, tonights gonna be rough. Hopefully it's a good game.
  20. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors

    Romo threw a pick already?