I don't mess around, I'm about the most diehard cowboys fan..but also all-around football fan..Always fun to see a good game no matter who plays.
I definitely respect that. A lot of the girls I know are just casual fans so it is pretty much impossible to carry on any kind of sports conversation with them since GO COLTS seems to be about all they know......oh well they also usually know who Peyton Manning is but that is about it.
Redskins force a punt on the opening possession. **********Automerged Doublepost********** It took you this long? :icon_cool:
It is certainly possible. The Texans narrowly missed the playoffs last season. Tom Jackson picked them in the Super Bowl this season and while I don't share that level of optimism I still think they can be a playoff team.
I really, really would like to take this opportunity to state heck Jason Garrett. He's really, really upsetting me.