I thought he was from Jersey. :icon_cool: I thought he was from Jersey. :icon_cool: http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-1254553550156876585
I was showing a funny video of Triumph the Insult Dog. Bon Jovi being photoshopped into a photo was the setup. Is that what you mean?
I liked " Heather, back in the 80s did Richie used to feather his pubes" But were getting off topic.... DALLAS SUCKS
My opinions on the NFL still having a grudge against the Chiefs, because Lamar went and made them better, is still up in the air. I could call the Dallas fans on this site a bunch of buttholes, but to be honest they are pretty respectable. Thank God the Chiefs aren't still in Texas. Go Chiefs!!!
Well, thank you sir...I'd say the same about Eagles fans, but they all look the same to me :icon_confused:
While it does get said/typed ALOT and I am sure cowboy fan's are very tired of hearing Tony "H"omo but you really can't blame us Eagles fans.... he's just so dern homo-ish and his name is one letter away. What are we supposed to do? Cowboy's suck donkey nuts
Hey don't hijack the thread, that bet took way too many reply boxes in which NOBODY mentioned that DALLAS SUCKS