#cowboysUK Monkey Balls

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by smeags, Aug 29, 2007.

  1. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    fyi - you're getting released
  2. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    Fyi i dont care i dont need anyone else but me and the eagles
  3. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    you miss the point, the eagles don't need you. :icon_cool:
  4. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    Im more of a fan then you will ever be.

    your just a grumpy old man that says negetive things about the team
  5. blkngldbabe

    blkngldbabe Come Get Some!

    Psstttt....They released Baskett to make room for Vick on the active roster today.
    1 person likes this.
  6. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

  7. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    lmao how ironic is that
  8. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    ZOMG i have said less than super duper positive things about my team therefore i am less than a fan then baskett !!!!! :moe:
  9. The Manster

    The Manster 1st Stringer

    Do not forget you are OLD.
  10. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    oh yeah thats right, i guess i forgot that point because, well, i'm old.
  11. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    Hey heckfaces, this thread is about how Dallas sucks. Get back on topic.

  12. blkngldbabe

    blkngldbabe Come Get Some!

    Plus you probably lost multiple braincells by using ZOMG in a post. That probably didn't help in your plight to not come off as feeble. Just sayin.

    **********Automerged Doublepost**********

    Wash the gravel from your tender folds muffin.. it's not always about Dallas.NO wonder they get all big headed and crap.
  13. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    Screw dallas!!!!!!!!!!
  14. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    Read the thread title.
  15. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    remember BS81, she's a steelers fan. reading isnt their strong point.
  16. blkngldbabe

    blkngldbabe Come Get Some!

    LMMFAO...Thanks Captain Obvious. .:icon_rolleyes:


    There ya go...will you now lighten the fack up Francis? *wink*

    **********Automerged Doublepost**********

  17. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    no trades will be made unless authorized by ME>........since i am thr oldest (yet not real old ) dc fans and being here a while .......

    i would repp most of you if could but it wont let me...especally that releasing of Baskett line
  18. RichLikeWh0a

    RichLikeWh0a Hermhater = Nemesis

    I DISAGREE! You can't just make rules up on the fly. That's cheating. Just let me get rid of TJ.. please, please, please? :icon_sad:
  19. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    TJ's coming to KC.

    You guys get warcrychief.

    Then you can play Cowboys and Indians.

  20. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    Now THAT'S the spirit! :icon_cheesygrin: