Thats not the comment i was talking about i was talking about saying ure not gonna watch your team play cause u think there gonna do bad.
[ame=]NFL Videos: Cardinals postgame press conference[/ame]
[ame=]NFL Videos: Larry, Larry, Larry![/ame]
We lost this game on three plays: all three turnovers. Maybe someone should talk about ball security in the meetings this week.
I've been an Eagles fan since 91. Don't try to say I'm a fair weather fan. But at this point when the team plays as dreadfully as they are now, not worth my time to watch it. I'll still root but I'll spend time with my family instead of watching this dreadful product. This team has NO chance next week.
I think [MENTION=1219]bigsexyy81[/MENTION] is right....and partly one of the only reason I thought the Cards may have a chance.....being opportunists. You take that one play, fumble at the end of the half and instead the Eagles score a TD instead of the Cards, it's a whole different game. The only mystery to me was why the run was abandoned and the Cards, especially Washington, just teeing it up on Vick. What the hell happened to the Eagles O-Line that they couldn't run block or pass block? That problem is usually reserved for the Cards. Vick just ended up being a victim, just like Cards' QB's.
duke - it's kind of hard not to call you a fair weathered fan when you describe yourself as one. 127 - the reason the o-line couldn't pass block is simple. injuries are part of it but don't kid yourself that the starters didn't allow the free rushes up the middle because they did, just not as frequent as yesterday. the line can run block and proved once the team got down by 24 points and reid with his grand wisdom decided to run the ball. problem is he only choose to run 5 freaking times in the 1st half. one run was on 3rd & 20. 19 plays at one point with only one run. thats why teams keep gwetting to vick so easy. the offense is so predictable.