but he will anyway. oh and for the record i could give two craps about how either of you felt. :fu08:a02:
Wow. If you're Reid or anyone else in the Eagles organization with decision-making pull, where do you begin? This mess goes well beyond Reid picking the wrong defensive coordinator. Regardless, watching the Eagles play certainly makes me feel better about supporting the Chiefs and the Cards.
Yes it's over the team quit and played un-inspired football.....at times looked like division 2 college football team. It's bad now for eagle fans so let's not rub this season in.
My favorite LOL @ the Eagles stat is that VY threw more interceptions than Tavaris Jackson had incomplete passes. Unfreakingreal.
Nice try Sl1m3y........voting on the game after the outcome. lol I knew the Seahawks would win but I thought the Eagles would make a game out of it.