ESPN's Keith Olbermann Calls For NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell To Step Down

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by 86WARD, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. ram29jackson

    ram29jackson sports spectator

    LOL come on dude. That's a poor counter argument. You are just in denial and scared of the possibility.

    all this season,.start paying attention to all that's happening. look at plays-who covers the spread-how many penalties teams are getting- how quickly announcers say whats happening and how they have an answer for everything you cant believe they actually understand and/or the silence they give when something happens on the field that looks strange to you.

    I'm not goobered. I'm an intellectually sound adult in my 40s with incredible deductive reasoning skills and critical thought.
    I know I am right and wont apologize for it. One day you will understand why.
  2. Walnuts

    Walnuts All-Pro

    Dude seriously you guys need way better writers. You'd think with all the billions going around that they could steal someone from the Marvel team or SOMETHING. This same old stale football stuff is getting BORING, man
    86WARD likes this.
  3. ram29jackson

    ram29jackson sports spectator

    something else to read

  4. Walnuts

    Walnuts All-Pro

    You are literally to stupid to insult. I cant believe I got sucked into this nonsense again.
  5. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    With your incredible deductive skills and critical thought, have you not deduced that because not one single player out of the thousands or their family members have come up and stated support of your theory that you are making an ass of yourself?
  6. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors

    You're a goobered conspiracy theorist.

    Very talented troll though.
  7. ram29jackson

    ram29jackson sports spectator

    hello stranger.
    Why do you need to get insulting about it? I know and believe something that you don't know and don't believe.
    That doesn't mean you need to be mean about it. I and you have many close friends that we disagree on many things with and yet are still friends because we know whats important. No reason we cant approach life the same way here.
    I am a sports fan still but now I will approach it as what the story line is and closely observe the staged circumstances and plays in games. No need to be nasty about that.
  8. Walnuts

    Walnuts All-Pro

    Suck my balls.
  9. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    ram29jackson sucking Fantasy Guru Walnuts' balls is completely staged.
  10. ram29jackson

    ram29jackson sports spectator

    I can safely rely on my own reasoning skills to know I'm right. I don't need validation from outsiders. There are obviously plenty of people that know and plenty who go to live games who still cant figure it out.
    you have family and work secrets like anyone else and sometimes only confide in your most trusted friends.
    like I said, plenty have written books about it like the story above but people are so indoctrinated that the most obvious clues pass them by and at least 150 million people already know it and really don't care and don't hang out with people who like sports and vice versa.
  11. Walnuts

    Walnuts All-Pro

  12. ram29jackson

    ram29jackson sports spectator

    you are being afraid and childish and not really debating anything. I forgive you.

    lets compare notes as the season goes along
  13. Buck Fenson

    Buck Fenson formerly Jake from State Farm

    bet you cum will be the outcome.
  14. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Knowing Walnuts' "history," I believe Walnuts is arguing with himself. He's an NFL doubt. I have proof, but I can't show it at this time. I also have a source.
  15. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    I asked about validation from insiders. Players, coaches, refs, execs, etc....

    Out of the thousands over the years, how come not a single one has stated that the games were staged?
  16. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    The ones that have have been the ones that "passed away" at early ages...
  17. ram29jackson

    ram29jackson sports spectator

    why do they need to ? they make millions or at the very least 6 digits. The dumb ones play for 2 years and are too illiterate for anyone to bother listening to and the smart ones wont because they can make more coaching or being announcers. You make more keeping a secret then you do being a parrot. Its pretty simple.

    where is this a negative for anyone ?
  18. ram29jackson

    ram29jackson sports spectator

  19. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    Every single bit of your "evidence" is pure conjecture that you've manipulated to support your conspiracy theory. So what's the real story on a second gunman in the JFK shooting. Just guessin' you've got the facts for that one too.
    Steve12 and Walnuts like this.
  20. ram29jackson

    ram29jackson sports spectator

    what the hell are you talking about ? what I have given you is called circumstantial evidence. You are admitting you still think like a child when it comes to praising the sports world.
    you want to believe the sports world is the perfect fairytale while all around life never works out that well.

    I just watched the ends of the Penn state and UCLA games too now. That was so amazing how both teams conveniently and comfortably won their games on the last drive and the losing teams still covered. Wake up people !