Ex-Eagles QB Donovan McNabb Says He Is Worthy Of Hall Of Fame

Discussion in 'Philadelphia Eagles' started by SRW, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    McNabb was pretty good during a large portion of his career. Had a few years where he was very good. Is that how we describe most people in the Hall of Fame? Do we really want those type of players getting in to the HALL OF FAME?

    Remember, he ALWAYS played with a top 5 or top 10 defense in his prime.

    He has very good numbers. But as everyone knows, he was made of glbutt. Always hurt with something. He never carried the team on his back in the postseason. Never got a trophy. Never MVP. Never this, never that.

    It will have to be a weak weak class before he gets inducted.
  2. Sportsguy

    Sportsguy AKA-Sportsguy9695

    I could see that he is a hall of famer based on his first few years in the league. but towards the end of his carrer I think is what will keep him out of the hall of fame
  3. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    One of the criteria I use when thinking of players that should or shouldn't be in the Hall of Fame is to look at the "NFL Story" as if it could be told without that player in it. If it can, then I don't think he should be in...if it can't, then I obviously think it can.

    Two examples: McNabb - story of the league could be told without him in it IMO. Kurt Warner - story of the NFL could not be told without him in it.

    Combine that with the "numbers", championships, playoffs...

    That's just my formula to go a little further beyond just the numbers...
  4. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    If a player truly believes he is a HOF player, he doesn't tout himself like this, it will be recognized by others. Sounds to me like Donovan is trying to convince himself he belongs.