:icon_redface: Damn... DD calling me a tramp??? Aren't you a mod or something? Don't you have the ability to do that? Doesn't even the lowliest member have the ability to do that? Why are you running around in circles, instead of making 1,000,000 happen? :lolsign:
Amen! Speaking of "Amens," Dougerrrr was missing out on all the 500K hoopla...he's usually right in the middle of it...
Congrats GIF! I still can't believe that HH had the lucky post and it was "10". I mean what the hell is that? What was it in reponse to? What was the subject? Which thread? Who won the contest? Didn't burnout or someone guess August 16? They were pretty damn close.
It was during the countdown to 500,000 when everyone was counting down... I posted "10" immediately after SRW posted "10" and I happened to be the lucky one... BTW this was hardly a post whoring contest, if you check out the UFC 87 thread started by DD you will see many members contributed to the effort last night in that thread alone, and I tried to share the wealth with them... :yahoo:
I wasn't on the board when it happened, but I wondered what was up with the fireworks going off as I tried to sleep.