Harrison Considering Retirement... NFL.com news: Steelers LB Harrison mulling retirement after $75K fine for hit
Oh heck. Do we have another drama queen in the NFL? Then leave. There's someone else willing to earn all of that money you're leaving.
Don't let the door hit your dirty butt on the way out. **********Automerged Doublepost********** Dirty butt meant both literrally and figuratively.
Harrison always runs his mouth spewing stupid crap. This probably follows suit. If not, thanks for the memories. Thadeus Gibson waits in the wings.
Oh yeah god forbid a guy get seriously hurt or even killed on the field. It don't matter if that happens cause it's apart of the game please
Someone needs to protest this egregious misuse of the rules. It's not James Harrison's fault that Josh Cribbs and Mohammed Massoquoi are pussies. A 75K fine is BULLCRAP!!!!!
yep, this is major dq talk. however, i find it interesting that harrison is admitting that his job on the field is as an enforcer, similar to hockey, where his main job is to keep opponents nervous and cautious. obviously harrison would lose some of his value if he's not allowed to be as much of an enforcer, but he still has normal skills that would keep him in the league.
Mark Schlereth is on now snitching about how fining him is "ludicrous." He says because the NFL doesn't pay for player health insurance after retirement, they shouldn't even have the right to fine players like this. Yeah I'm sure suspensions would go over a lot better. Get the heck outta here, both of you, Schlereth and Harrison. If you don't like the direction things are going, get the heck out, but don't complain because they want to do whatever they can to prevent injury in a brutal sport. They're trying to reduce injuries that have proven to cause catastrophic health problems both immediately and later in life, don't be freaking crybabies and say the NFL should just be touch football because you sound like a god **mn goober. Blah blah blah,"I can't put my left leg up on the stool when I'm on tv cause I'm an old school hard butt NFL player.." -Mark Schlereth
**********Automerged Doublepost********** I don't disagree with you, the NFL has done some downright goobered things in the name of whatever, the game, the league, money, etc. But this just one makes no sense to me, and it'll drive a huge divide between offensive and defensive players. I feel like these injuries are so well documented now yet the complications are still not understood. It just seems really selfish to me for individuals to get so up in arms over their own style of play that ends up being dangerous to colleagues that the league feels it needs to alter it. Just like everyone, I'm a fan of the big hit, but not at that cost. If the NFL does nothing, a generation down the road will have even more players with swiss cheese brains start having huge problems and dying of brain diseases at younger ages. This could turn into a social issue that destroys the sport entirely, so I see the NFL's urgency to do what it about it now, because changing a culture such as in sports is incredibly difficult and takes a lot of work over a long course of time. **********Automerged Doublepost********** They're doing a sport science on SC right now on h2h injuries. Some of it is overblown to look brutal, but it's kinda cool.
Harrison.....but Killer is at the top of his game too as a matter of fact.....by being a complete and total moron. :icon_lol:
ZOMG...it's Tuesday and the sky is still fallling **********Automerged Doublepost********** Errrrrrrr uuuhhhh I mean it's Wednesday and the sky is still falling