Hats Off To Jets RB Thomas Jones

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TDJets72027, Dec 2, 2007.

  1. TDJets72027

    TDJets72027 Rex Ryan baby

    TJ-Pain, not T-Pain.
  2. Walnuts

    Walnuts All-Pro

    Yeah, get it straight Dawkins, jeezus. T-Pain is a crapty rapper/singer, TJ-Pain is a crapty running back. See? One makes you sick hearing him, the other makes you sick watching him try to play football.
  3. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    ha ha...thanks for setting me straight. I'll try to avoid both of them in the future.
  4. Homer34

    Homer34 BOOMSTICK!

    Wow, what an investment by the Jets. 1 TD so far for 5 million!
  5. Walnuts

    Walnuts All-Pro

    Yeah, not to mention his whopping 70 YPG and 3.8 per carry:laughy32:. I'm sure the Jets front office is real pleased with that pickup. You dumb bastards should have kept Kevan Barlow, he could have done that, and for a tenth of the price!! LOLOLOLOLLLLLLLL!!!!!
  6. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    his only accomplishment was getting 100 yards vs the Steelers, and that was just bad tackling by our defense.. not to mention his only touchdown so far comes against the 0-11 Dolphins..
  7. TDJets72027

    TDJets72027 Rex Ryan baby

    Maybe Thomas jones would have more yards if not for the RB by committee obviously
  8. lostfan

    lostfan Starter

    Granted, Jones > Benson (especially at blitz protection, my god), but I seriously wonder if all the Bears fans looking for something and someone to blame real quick think that TJ's yards per carry average would translate to something that isn't terrible behind this O-line the Bears have. They all seemed to forget that for the first few weeks of 2006, Jones looked like trash and everyone was calling for Benson to start. They also seemed to forget who and what TJ was before he came to the Bears. I liked the guy but cmon let's be honest with ourselves.
  9. Homer34

    Homer34 BOOMSTICK!

    Exactly. And criticizing the Bears for not keeping him? To do so would require an extension for 5 million a year? Benson has been awful for the first part of the year but before he got injured he had those 3 runs of 20 plus in 35 carries.

    Hopefully we'll have a line and see what Benson is made of.
  10. lostfan

    lostfan Starter

    WTF Homer didn't you realize the Bears' salary cap is infinity, they could've kept Benson as a backup to TJ with that fat bonus, caved in and gave Briggs his long-term contract with a $20m bonus like he wanted, made Harris the highest paid D-lineman in the league, then trade for McNabb AND sign Faneca and Michael Turner this offseason. Come on quit being a Jerry Angelo apologist.
  11. Homer34

    Homer34 BOOMSTICK!


    That is the gist of the Bears board! :word02: