mg: That is certainly an outstanding counter-bribe. Perhaps the best there ever was. I just noticed all the dirtiest "dirty" smilies are also gone. Wowwwwwww how far will it go?
meh. its not THAT awesome HH. if i was you, id rename the thread "hermhaters exhibition of something kinda cool that if looked at in the right light while squinting could be almost construed as awesomeness"
I don't think it's particularly awesome either ronbart. But you wait until this thread has 10,000 posts and my skills are undeniably the best ever at PS. :icon_cool:
Now that freaking sig pic is sick dude... Moons over My Hammy? That's about the only thing I will eat from Denny's.
Is that another bribe Herm? Because when you combine it with the first, you got something going, buddy.
Thanks LJ!!! :cheersbeer: If you want, I can put your username in there, and you can use it to finish out the season!