I left an all you can eat AND DRINK for 12 dollar night at a pub before the end of the 3rd quarter tonight..I refuse to watch them play another quarter....words don't describe my hatred for these scrubs right now...
Don't neglect a bar and a buffet just because of the 49ers. It's not the beer and food's fault your team sucks.
That reminded me of kick-off weekend 2002...to this day I haven't been able to fix the remote (I just bought another one)... Ah, the memories...
Obviously...its the niners fault they turn my stomach to the point of not being able to eat more pizza and drink more beer...Alex Smith should be lynched...
Yea I dont get to see the 49ers too much but after watching the game tonight they are freaking awful. I knew thier 2-0 start was a fluke.
i think the phins would whoop the niners like rented mules... niners have no offense what so ever.. though i will continue to watch mainly because i paid 200 and some dollars for sunday ticket i will watch with anger.... and to think i had high hopes when the season started
I really haven't seen this team play besides in highlight packages this year but it sounds to me that this team will drive ya to wanna drink even more.
I went and drank at home....by myself....they'll drive you to drink alright....like an alcoholic....by yourself and ready to kill anything that moves within a 15 foot radius of you..
Barl it is a little depressing. I don't even really make an attempt to watch the niners anymore this year. I watched a quarter of the Monday night game and I couldn't believe that we can really look that bad. I mean Smith was like 6-7 for 62 yards at half time and that last long pass he through shouldnt have even counted. Battle was out of bounds. We are horrible to put it mildly. I still say picking Smith with our number 1 overall was a huge mistake.
Battle didn't even hold onto the pass either...Smith is a freaking joke...that first pass to DHack was under thrown by 5 yards even though Jackson had his corner beat by over 5 yards... I watch for some sick reason...I must have that psychological disorder where I punish myself and enjoy it somehow....
Yeah Smith has no awareness whatsoever, it's truly painful to watch. I don't give a heck what anyone says that dude is not a NFL caliber QB. Oh yeah, quit torturing yourself!
As long as the bay area sports teams completely fold year in and year out, i'll be here torturing myself...:cele13: