J-Dub and SportsChump Dissect “ESPN: The Movie”

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by SportsChump, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. SportsChump

    SportsChump Well-Known

    To understand this latest J-Dub/SportsChump collaboration, you need to know there’s something headed for your local Cinema-Gargantua-Plex which may or may not be horrifying. A few years ago, we got something akin to “ESPN: The Book,” and as books are wont to do in this country, it has transmogrified into “ESPN: The Movie.” Like we said, it hasn’t been released yet, but that doesn’t stop us from being pretty sure knowing we know what we can expect.

    Enjoy, gang: http://sportschump.net/2015/03/01/j-dub-sportschump-dissect-espn-movie/15120/