Jammin Presents... League Of Champions

Discussion in 'Fantasy Football Advice' started by Jammin Jaguar, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. falcon_91

    falcon_91 Pro Bowler

    Yeh winner gets a life

    oh guess sportsguy will have to wait another year to get close to one
  2. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    The funniest part is that he begged JJ to let him play and now he just doesn't care... :lol:
  3. Inclulbus

    Inclulbus WE ARE! .. Marshall!

    Me Vs 86Ward.

    Goodluck man :icon_cool: Week 1!
  4. Ridin Burgundy

    Ridin Burgundy on the Magic Bandwagon

    I need Rice to out score Driver by I think 6 points to get the win.

    Its not looking good.
  5. Inclulbus

    Inclulbus WE ARE! .. Marshall!

    Lost to 86Ward, thanks to Mr. Brady..... lol, still a great game
  6. Jammin Jaguar

    Jammin Jaguar English Student.

    I have Brady in my Yahoo! league, not good.

    In this league, I am six points behind Omen and I have D-Mac still to play and Omen has Greg Jennings left.
  7. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    i seen that i hope dmac has the fresh men funbles
  8. Jammin Jaguar

    Jammin Jaguar English Student.

    86WARD - I had a stinker this week... Just great luck that you had a worse one!
  9. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Oh it was awful...I had an awful week in 2/3 of my leagues...

    It's crazy how bad the top guys are doing.

    Tomlinson, Peterson, Westbrook, Brady, Moss, Owens...the list goes on...

    Good win JJ...
  10. Inclulbus

    Inclulbus WE ARE! .. Marshall!

    no one look at their trades anymore? ive had 3 offers out on the table forever now.
  11. Ridin Burgundy

    Ridin Burgundy on the Magic Bandwagon

    Ive had to make a lot of changes to my roster this week and ive had a trade from Overnight stockers for a while now but I can't decide if I wanna take it or not..
  12. Jammin Jaguar

    Jammin Jaguar English Student.

    I forgot to edit my lineup and now it's too late. I have two starters who have bye weeks. Screw.
  13. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    is this the nfl league if so im oing aight im 5-1 i think
  14. Ridin Burgundy

    Ridin Burgundy on the Magic Bandwagon

    I'm down 3 against you this week with Prater and Welker still to play and you have Gostkowski left.

    I should get the win but its probably gonna be close.
  15. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    dude that was close i won by 1 point i realy thought ya had it

    i shoyuld played P rivers instead of f arve
  16. Ridin Burgundy

    Ridin Burgundy on the Magic Bandwagon

    I can't believe Welker and Prater only outscored Gostkowski by 2.

    Stupid freaking Prater and your crapty team you cu**s :moe:
  17. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    me tieher dude i was suprised
  18. Jammin Jaguar

    Jammin Jaguar English Student.

    I suck so badly. I'm actually seeing the funny side of my crap team this season. I have a pretty decent team in a Yahoo! League I'm in though so that helps.
  19. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    Oh, crap...I had 4 byes and totally forgot about it. Ward kicked my butt :doh:

    That had never happened before :shock:
  20. ketbuckfan

    ketbuckfan Tressel owns Michigan

    Should win this week and that will make me 3-4-1.