Jay Cutler, Alex Smith - Who Is Better?!?

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by misfitz, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. codatious99

    codatious99 cheese head

    smith is on a much better team

    cutler has a better arm

    no way smith plays the way he does if he were behind that bears oline
  2. codatious99

    codatious99 cheese head

  3. misfitz

    misfitz Dropping Twitter Bombs

    You are talking about the 49ers Oline like its all world. Alex Smith was sacked 44 times last year 9% of his drop backs and this year he was been sacked 10% of his dropbacks. Cutler is at 12% of his drop backs he gets sacked.

    Why are you guys acting like Smith has a steller line when he doesnt? Yes the 49ers Oline can run block great but in pass protection they are not that good.

    You really think that 2% makes that big of a difference. Its fine I know that nothing I say will change your minds even though Alex is more accurate, less turnovers, more comeback victorys, better playoff numbers, more wins, better stats against the GB

    The only counters to Smith being better is that Cutler has a bad Oline(Smiths is almost as bad)and that you cant compare them because Smith isnt asked to do what Cutler is asked to do(which is what exactly because he only has like 12 yards more a game and .2 more tds per game but at the cost of .5 INT per game)

    So by your guys knowledge and argument you cannot compare what Joe Montana did to what Dan Marino did because Montana wasnt asked to do what Marino was asked to do(which was throw for a ton more yards ~20,800 more and more TDs by about 150 but at a cost of 113 more interceptions) So Marino is better then Montana? Oh wait you cant compare them because of that lame excuse that you can't compare players in different systems or some stupid crap.

    I'm just curious how this works because no one can explain it to me they just laugh and go no way even though the stats prove it there is no way Alex can be better then Jay it just cant happen. Alex is more clutch makes less mistakes and is playing at a very high level right now and Jay is playing like trash.
  4. Walnuts

    Walnuts All-Pro

    God Alex is terrible.

    Glad Brandon Weeden is my Quarterback and not Alex Smith.

    People talk about Smith like hes a top 10 quarterback and hes not. Brandon Weeden is a better quarterback then he is.

    you compare Alexes last game to Weeden they are actually pretty close
    Alex Smith last game
    20 Completions 31 attempts(64.5% completion) 226 yards(226 yards per game) 2 Tds 0 Ints(2 Tds per game)(0 INT per game)
    Brandon Weeden
    26 completions 37 attempts(70.3% completion) 322 yards(322 yards per game) 2 Tds 0 Int (2 Tds per game)(0 INT per game)
    so is 96 yards and 6% more completions better?
  5. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    Is it really that hard of a concept to understand that stats really don't tell close to the whole story? Because that is what is being argued against you and you simply won't acknowledge. Yeah Smith protects the ball better, but he is asked to be conservative, yeah he has a better playoff record, but his defense is why he didn't need to put up 350 yards and 4 TDs. He had comeback wins, well so did Tebow, does that make him a better QB than Smith? And you want my proof why stats are only a small way to measure success look at this for Tebow last year: Tim Tebow's Career 4th quarter comebacks and game-winning drives - Pro-Football-Reference.com
    One reason why Smith has so many sacks is because he is told to take the sack instead of forcing the throw, if Cutler did that his sack numbers would most likely be near 60 on the season. So love on Smith and quote numbers all you want, but being that stats is all you can bring to the table apparently I'm done with this useless exercise of trying to debate this with you.
  6. misfitz

    misfitz Dropping Twitter Bombs

    I did a 3 year comparison from them not a 1 game comparison =P
  7. misfitz

    misfitz Dropping Twitter Bombs

    So if he is asked to be conservative and Cutlers told to let it loose yet he only averages 13 more yards a game and .2 more TDs per game over the last 40 games they have played? Thats not exactly a huge difference is it?
  8. Walnuts

    Walnuts All-Pro

  9. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    THAT IS WHERE BEING ON A BETTER TEAM COMES INTO PLAY, jesus are you just trolling now?
  10. misfitz

    misfitz Dropping Twitter Bombs

    So does that mean that Dan Marino is a better qb then Joe Montana because he was asked to do more and had way more yards and TDs then Joe and Joe was on a better team?
  11. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    No because that is only looking at stats. Don't look at just stats, I can't say this any more clearly.
  12. misfitz

    misfitz Dropping Twitter Bombs

    then whats the point of stats?
  13. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    So people who don't fully understand the symphony that is football can follow along and say hey I know numbers. And comparing Montana to Marino with stats alone is ignorant because if you look at the numbers Marino threw the ball almost 3000 more times while playing in 50 more career games.
  14. misfitz

    misfitz Dropping Twitter Bombs

    So Joe Montana was conservative and didnt turn the ball over a lot and was extremely clutch and Dan Marino threw a bunch of yards TDs and INTs this sounds familiar
  15. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    Not as similar as you think.
  16. Tarkus

    Tarkus The Thread Stalker

    Stats are supplemental by nature & are used to bolster a point.

    Using them as the foundation of an argument is a tool of the weak minded...
  17. misfitz

    misfitz Dropping Twitter Bombs

    Im kidding about the Montana/Marino thing but I think Alex is better then Jay and some wont accept that and I get that. It is what it is and most people are skeptical of the new Alex because the old Alex wasn't very good. I am not just saying this as a 49er fan I am saying this as someone who has watched them both play quite a bit and I just am not that impressed with Cutler because he is so hot and cold.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
  18. Litez0ut

    Litez0ut Litez0ut Sucka

  19. The Mullet

    The Mullet Reptile Guru

    To me it comes down to a few things:

    1. Alex is a better leader and teammate
    2. Alex is clutch. Those who don't watch the Niners may not realize this, but he is. Truth is, he was before Harbaugh even; he just didn't get credit for it cause of the team's record. Most of the time they were already out of it, and many times the D blew it cause of Manusky's prevent BS.
    3. I can name about as many games as Cutler has lost as Alex has won when it came down to it. Alex will not win games alone (though that is a trait few truly possess and even fewer for a consistent amount of tme; see Tom Brady). However, Alex won't lose you the game, and Cutler will.

    I for one, that watched the Niners even pre-Harbaugh and watched the coaching and dropped balls (highest in the league consistently), and saw his leadership and clutch ability have been saying this same thing for years.
  20. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    kevin kolb is just as good as either of these guys.
