Glad you guys are giving updates in here, still 3rd and 10 at the 17 for me, although if you weren't discussing it I wouldn't know the difference.
Sounds like I missed a hell of a finish. Glad to hear I won my bet, and glad the Dolphins won. :icon_cool:
Congrats mj! :cheersbeer: :cheersbeer: :cheersbeer: :cheersbeer: :cheersbeer: :cheersbeer: A beer for every koozie!
What a game, especially the 4th Quarter, grats to the dolphins fans, was a well fought victory. Man Braylon Edwards really showed up to the Jets ready to perform.... took a chance and picked him up and started him and he did really good, 14 points over all but a crapty call and took away one of his touchdowns. Fail!!!! But it was a good game
yep, that was a fun game. what happened to the jets defense? they looked like crap last night .................. that's what made it fun .....................
What pissed me off was Rex Ryan in his post game interview. He gave no respect to how well Henne played saying that "we made that QB look like Dan Marino". How about say that Henne played very well and not say it was the defense that didn't do anything.