Jets Vs Raiders

Discussion in 'NFL Gameday' started by dolphindude13, Oct 16, 2008.


Who will win?

Poll closed Oct 20, 2008.
  1. Jets

    7 vote(s)
  2. Raiders

    2 vote(s)
  1. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

  2. TDJets72027

    TDJets72027 Rex Ryan baby

  3. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    Mario Henderson is better anyways put him in
  4. TDJets72027

    TDJets72027 Rex Ryan baby

    Game over.
  5. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    Screw yes Javon earn that freaking money boyeeeee... Also JaMarcus you keep staring a reciever down the whole freaking time you are going to get picked dumbass
  6. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

  7. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    with 25 minutes left in the game

    You're a quitter TDJ :eek:hboy:
  8. Javon! Finally. Russel throws a touchdown pass wow. Amazing. Shaping up to be a good game
  9. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    Ok D don't fall apart now
  10. mike oxlong

    mike oxlong The Voice Of Reason

    TDJets, you're are an awful fan, you are only down 7, why do you watch football if you are so quick to give up on your team? Seems like it's really no fun
  11. Lets not start this like everyone did with the Raven Fan. hahaha
  12. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    letting them right down the field are you kidding me? thank god for the loss
  13. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    hell yea raiders let's do this crap
  14. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    damnit bring back the force out rule
  15. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    damn three and out
  16. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    now another stupid penalty on the raiders
  17. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    Keep shooting yourselves in the foot Raiders.
  18. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    that is what we do best
  19. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    and we are letting the damn jets down the field again
  20. defense stands