Look eagle fan you dont know what its like to be a raider fan so shut your trap. You dont know what its like to get your hopes up while everybody and thing is going against you. Bad Coaching,Bad Ownership,Bad play Calling,Bad Referees, Bad Sports Announcing, heck etc. Our Players are young and any self respecting raider fan knows this is a bad situation for them and it will be hard to succeed. So when we good things happening we dont get our hopes up because in the we get our hearts broken kind of like the Eagles everytime they play in the Superbowl. So you have no right to make a judgement like that to another fan unless you have been following the same team with the passion of a hard core football fan.
another freaking false start........... Tom Cable get this crap in order you are a freaking line coach
he's a jets fan who quit on his team in the third qtr, he is not a raider fan, you post makes little to no sense, reading comprehension....learn some