Keith Jardine Says He Has A Gameplan For Brandon Vera

Discussion in 'Boxing/MMA Talk' started by CP26, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

  2. dolphindude13

    dolphindude13 Jack Of All Trades

    Jardine's wins over Forrest and Liddell were both flukes......the guy has big time power but I would bet he'd lose to either one of them 9 out of 10 times. Vera by submission in the 2nd!
  3. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    I think it will go the distance and Vera wins!

  4. CP26

    CP26 Im Back Mofos

    Jardine KO!!!!!

  5. dolphindude13

    dolphindude13 Jack Of All Trades

    CP, aren't you the same guy telling everyone what a bad man Kimbo was a couple of weeks ago? Your predictions aren't very convincing.:fly sticker: :icon_cheesygrin:
  6. CP26

    CP26 Im Back Mofos

    ok when Kimbo and Seth Rematch we will bet a lot of Vcash
  7. mike oxlong

    mike oxlong The Voice Of Reason

    how much of a tape delay are the fights being shown on spike.

    that's gonna screw up any play by play, east coasters will see it hours before me, lol
  8. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    I don't know the answer to that mike.

    Shouldn't you be answering those questions?

  9. mike oxlong

    mike oxlong The Voice Of Reason

    i found out it's about 5 hours delay.
  10. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    You can still watch it live on your computer though, right?

    Wait, I see what you are saying.

    It's in England, so it won't be showing live on Spike.

    I guess it's gonna be starting in just a few hours live, huh?
  11. CP26

    CP26 Im Back Mofos

    No It will be Live on 9PM East Time. So Maybe in England its 4or 5 PM
  12. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

  13. CP26

    CP26 Im Back Mofos

    Why The Hell are they going there????

    That means I can have results before even watching it
  14. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    I have to make sure I have plenty to do today, so that I don't watch it live.

    I am going to make sure and not pay attention to any of the results until they show the delayed fight.

    Please don't post fight results CP until after they show it here in the US.
  15. CP26

    CP26 Im Back Mofos

    Oh Crap load. Sorry HH. We Here in North America will have it Live at 3PM Eastern BUT I CANT WATCH IT IM AT WORK :hb1: :hb1:
  16. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    Where is it shown live CP?

    Besides online?
  17. CP26

    CP26 Im Back Mofos

  18. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    I don't know what that is.