Larry is a strong guy, but that's not close to his best. He has an BUTTISTED 700 lb bench. The 3 spotters did a good amount of the work.
Barl and I know a very good friend of his...A lifting buddy from college and a pretty good sized guy himself (6'4 380-400) and stronger than anyone i've ever seen. He's lifted 600+ without asking for a spotter. I was always there just in case but damn...So he say's Larry is now ans was back then stronger than he was in everything. Moke (the friend) lifted for years and years and then met Larry who was a lazy heck and had never touched a weight was always able to do whatever was there. 400, 500...whatever, he'd just do it.. So when i meantioned the 700 lift to Moke he simply said "He can do more, i've seen him do it...he's just lazy and doesn't give a crap" Thats coming from a very competitive guy that people marvle at. When he lifts peoples jaws drop...sometimes people leave bc all the plates are being used lol. So i doubt that he's going to bs anyone and give Larry the upper hand on him for no reason... edit- just wanted to throw this in here for dramatics- I once spotted Moke on a strip set that went like this 545x1 405x1 315x23 225x34 135x10 (rest-pause) so, you can see he is no slouch himself.
That's excellent stuff. I've seen some of the PL's at my old gym put up 500-565 on bench for a few reps. Those are the most impressive benches I've seen in person. That set above is down right sickening. I've only seen 635 on a bar in person for squats. A 198 lb PLer got it for a couple reps with a couple of us spotting.
I'm pretty sure the squat recor is now held by a 200lber..for some reason 1,290lbs comes to mind (don't quote me on that #)
For some reason I want to say Andy Bolton either has the squat record or is close the record at like 1100 lbs. He's 260+ though I believe.
Thats a good lift, 225 isn't a joke. We here it all the time with the combine and all but in reality anything over 10-12 is a good lift. Guys like Brady Quinn and Charles Woodson who hit it 20+ times while being right at 200lbs is just ridiculous! heres the squat i was talking about Sam Byrd 1050lb Squat at 198lb - New 'All-Time' World Record [media][/media]
larry allen can bench press a crapload.....and still is getting owned out there... hes just getting to old....or doesnt care
Allen has 11 pro bowls at 3 different positions and he's getting owned... I wonder if hostler changed the blocking scheme?